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The UN has not yet sanctioned or classified Hamas as a terrorist group

The position of the organization raises doubts about the effectiveness of anti-terrorist measures at the international level.

Reunión del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU

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The position of the United Nations regarding the attacks that Israel is suffering is generating controversy because the international organization still does not recognize Hamas as a terrorist group, nor has it imposed sanctions.

In the past, the UN Security Council has issued resolutions and sanctioned groups such as ISIS or Al Qaeda. However, the international organization has not done the same with Hamas or Hezbollah, even though multiple nations already designated both as terrorists.

Richard Goldberg, senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, has pointed out the inconsistency in the UN’s fight against terrorism.

“The UN Security Council votes to impose sanctions and designations on groups like al Qaeda, the Taliban or ISIS. But no such sanctions or designations exist for Iran’s axis of terror groups (…) The UN insists these are legitimate political movements and therefore can freely work with them,” Golberg told Fox News Digital.

Both US and Israeli officials have complained that the UN and its Security Council appear to have an anti-Israel bias. Even before the recent attacks on Israel, in 2018, when Donald Trump was president, then-Ambassador Nikki Haley unsuccessfully pushed an effort to label Hamas a terrorist group.

However, the UN’s refusal to recognize Hamas as a terrorist group at such a critical time raises questions about the effectiveness of international counterterrorism measures and reflects the division in the world over the conflict in the Middle East.

“For many years, the UN has turned a blind eye to the arming of Hamas and its use of the civilian population and civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip as a hiding place for its weapons and murder,” said Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan.

The UN criticized Israel for its “illegal foreign occupation”

Following Hamas’ attack on Israel, the UN Human Rights Council shared a publication in which it downplayed the human losses suffered by the Jewish country and criticized it for its “illegal foreign occupation.”

“[The UN] observed a moment of silence for the loss of innocent lives in the occupied Palestinian territory and elsewhere,” reads the publication shared by the international organization, which also has a video that suggests that Israel is responsible for the war deaths. recently declared.
