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Iran denies having collaborated with Hamas to prepare the massacre against Israeli civilians

The spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ayatollah Regime considers that the "unfounded accusations" have a political objective. Hezbollah threatens the US if it intervenes directly.

Bandera de Irán.


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Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani has denied that his country collaborated or participated in the Hamas terrorist attack that massacred hundreds of defenseless civilians in Israel. Kanaani stressed that these are "baseless accusations with the political objective of justifying the recent failure of the Zionist regime and, of course, in an attempt to justify the West's support for the regime." In addition, the spokesperson once again showed the support of the Ayatollah Regime for the terrorist attack by the Palestinian group.

During a press conference, reported by the regime's news agency, IRNA, Kanaani denounced that "talking about an Iranian role aims to divert public opinion (from the facts) and justify possible future actions" by Israel. The spokesman noted that, in any case, the alleged collaboration of "the Islamic Republic of Iran and Hezbollah with the Palestinian terrorists in the Palestinian-Israeli war cannot at all reduce the responsibility of the West, particularly the United States, in supporting the atrocities of the Zionist regime, adding that propaganda is spread to mislead public opinion and justify its future plots."

Furthermore, Kanaani attacked the United States by pointing out that "the sending of the American aircraft carrier to the region is equivalent to Washington's involvement in the violation of the rights of the Palestinian people and in the crimes being committed by the Zionist regime."

The Iranian spokesman insisted "Iran had and has a clear position, and in recent days, the president and the foreign minister have expressed their positions at the highest level and shared their views with foreign officials, and we hope that Islamic countries be more decisive in supporting the Palestinian people. Kanaani stressed that "the resistant people of Palestine have the right to use their power to eliminate aggression and repel occupation by a regime that has violated their rights for 75 years, and this is a legitimate right that has been recognized."

Hezbollah threatens the US if it participates directly in the conflict

A spokesman for a group linked to Hezbollah warned the US that if it participates in the conflict, "all US positions" in the Middle East will be "legitimate targets" for the terrorist group.

Palestine is not Ukraine. If the United States intervenes directly, all American positions in the region will become legitimate targets of the resistance axis and will face our attacks. And that day, there will be no red line...