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Mexico threatens DeSantis with "legal and diplomatic measures" over immigrant flights

AMLO's government claims that a Mexican citizen was aboard one of the chartered planes from Florida to Sacramento and accused the governor of doing so for "political and electoral purposes."

Montaje con el presidente de México Andrés Manuel López Obrador y Ron DeSantis.

(Cordon Press/Gage Skidmore/Voz Media

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The Mexican Foreign Ministry issued a statement warning Ron DeSantis that "legal and diplomatic measures will be explored" for the flights chartered by Florida to send illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities. In the letter, they state that a Mexican citizen was among those who were transferred to Sacramento and "strongly" condemn this practice, which they claim was done "for political and electoral purposes."

These actions "violate human rights"

In the letter, the Mexican diplomacy says that these actions "violate human and constitutional rights and human dignity." The Secretariat for Foreign Affairs said that it “reiterates its commitment to guarantee the defense of the Mexican people who reside abroad regardless of their immigration status.”

In addition to the latest flights sent to Sacramento from Florida, the Mexican government denounced the practice "of transporting migrants from states bordering Mexico to other parts of the United States for political and electoral purposes, as has occurred in specific cases with Massachusetts and New York.
