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Hispanics call for stricter immigration policies

More than six in 10 voters in the Hispanic community are unhappy with how Biden has handled the crisis and are calling to tighten restrictions.

Immigrants at the southwest border.Cordon Press.

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For the past few years, the border crisis has been escalating without the federal administration reacting in time to prevent further damage. Citizens keep asking for increased and tougher measures to be applied on the border, including a large majority of Hispanics.

According to an Axios Vibes survey by The Harris Poll, 62% of the Hispanic community calls for "tougher" policies to counteract the immigration crisis and its consequences. On the other side, 23% want "more lenient" measures.

This assessment is not far from the opinion of the rest of the voters. Seventy-four percent are in favor of "stricter" immigration rules.

This is more evidence of how Hispanics are moving further and further away from the Democratic Party and, specifically, from Joe Biden, even though they know their vote will be particularly relevant in the November elections, as 36 million Latinos are eligible to head to the polls.

The president's handling of immigration has garnered numerous criticisms that have resulted in a drift by the Hispanic community. Even many who have been loyal Democratic Party voters are reconsidering and could vote for the Republican Party. This would be because they trust the newly nominated Republican candidate, Donald Trump, more than they trust Biden to solve the immigration crisis.

86% of Hispanic Republican voters will go to the polls

Apart from this figure, the poll showed that 68% of Hispanics eligible to vote said they will go to the polls. By party affiliation, 86% of the Hispanic electorate that identifies itself as Republican will vote, in contrast to those who identify themselves as Democrats, 71% of whom will go to the polls, while only 54% of independents plan to vote.
