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Biden extends Temporary Protected Status for more than 300,000 Haitians

The Department of Homeland Security announced that the Temporary Protected Status will be extended for an additional 18 months, until February 3, 2026.

A cinco meses de las elecciones, Biden se


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Joe Biden's administration extended the immigration protection known as Temporary Protected Status (TPS), which grants residency and work permits to Haitians. The information was confirmed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

In a statement, the DHS announced the extension of TPS for Haiti for an additional 18 months, until February 3, 2026. It stated that the decision was made due to extraordinary and temporary conditions in the country. The current TPS was set to expire on August 4.

"After consultation with interagency partners, Secretary Mayorkas determined on June 3, 2024, that an 18-month extension and redesignation of Haiti for TPS is warranted because conditions that support Haiti’s designation are ongoing and that doing so was not contrary to the national interest of the United States," said the release posted on the official DHS website.

DHS estimates that about 309,000 additional Haitians may apply.

"The extension of TPS for Haiti allows current beneficiaries to retain TPS through Feb. 3, 2026, if they continue to meet TPS eligibility requirements. Current beneficiaries under TPS for Haiti must re-register in a timely manner during the 60-day re-registration period from July 1, 2024, through Aug. 30, 2024, to ensure they keep their TPS and employment authorization. Re-registration is limited to individuals who previously registered for and were granted TPS under Haiti’s initial designation," the department said.
