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Environmental and pro-Palestine activists disrupt the Easter vigil at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City

The group XR NYC Palestine Solidarity claimed responsibility for the disruption to the Easter vigil mass.

Captura de pantalla de la irrupción de un grupo de manifestantes en una misa de vigilia en la Catedral de San Patricio

(Twitter @JamesSpiro)

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Protesters shouting "Free Palestine" interrupted an Easter vigil at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York on Saturday night. Videos on social media show the protesters holding up a banner in front of the altar with the logo of the environmental group Extinction Rebellion and the words "silence = death."

XR NYC Palestine Solidarity, which describes itself as an organization affiliated with Extinction Rebellion, later claimed responsibility for the disruption to the Easter vigil mass. It issued a statement claiming it did so to "demand faith leaders speak out" about the war in Palestine and climate change (which they define as "genocide" and "ecocide," respectively). Three of its members were reportedly arrested.

Outside, a crowd of pro-Palestine and anti-climate change protesters also gathered. Police had to intervene on more than one occasion:
