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Hunter Biden faces nine new charges in California for fraud

Special prosecutor David Weiss claims in his indictment that the president's son did not correctly pay his taxes between 2016 and 2019.

Hunter Biden caminando con una mochila.

(Cordon Press)

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Justice has indicted Hunter Biden with new charges for crimes related to fraud in the state of California. There are nine additional charges that the son of President Joe Biden faces, and which are added to the federal charges for improper possession of firearms that weigh against him in Delaware.

According to the indictment, Hunter Biden did not pay a total of almost $200,000 that he owed in taxes for 2019. This sees him incur three felonies and six misdemeanors. These new charges presented by special prosecutor David Weiss, before a federal jury in Los Angeles come after Hunter Biden's agreement with Justice to avoid jail was broken, and in the midst of his father's re-election campaign.

According to the text of the indictment, much of the income for which Hunter is required to be taxed has to do with his role in foreign companies related to the alleged corruption and use of influence of which his father is also accused. The Ukrainian company Burisma, for example, is mentioned several times in the letter revealed by Fox.

The accusation also arises as members of the House of Representatives propose , in which crimes related to Biden's family play a central role in its narrative. According to the latest developments in the investigation led by Representative James Comer and the Oversight Commission, Joe Biden would have received payments with money from abroad on several occasions from his son.

Comer intended to have Hunter Biden appear in front of Congress, but the president's son refused to do so. Hunter insisted that he would only testify before the House if it is in public, because information from closed-door testimony is selectively leaked and used to "manipulate, including history, facts, and misinform the American public."
