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A group of Ron DeSantis campaign donors compare Nikki Haley to Hillary Clinton

A Fight Right ad exposes that the former South Carolina governor is "not who she says" and claims she is "supportive of every liberal cause under the sun."

(Cordon Press - Capture video / DeSantis War Room -

"Nikki's not who she says," says a new ad from Fight Right, a supporter of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who assures that for Nikki Haley, "Corrupt Hillary" (referring to Hillary Clinton ) is a "role model." They state that Clinton is the reason why the former governor of South Carolina "ran for office":

We know her as "Crooked Hillary." But to Nikki Haley, she's her role model, the reason she ran for public office.

The candidate for the GOP primary and rival of DeSantis has soared in the polls in recent days, bumping the governor of Florida to third place among the Republican candidates. Both remain distant from former President Donald Trump, who leads the polls by a large margin.

Fight Right, Inc. assures on its website that it "was created to help tell voters the truth about politicians who break their promises and abandon conservative principles—politicians like Nikki Haley" and claims that it "will work alongside the premier DeSantis Super PAC, Never Back Down, to achieve a DeSantis victory."

The ad culminates by urging viewers to visit TheRealNikki.com, a website claiming that Haley "is supportive of every liberal cause under the sun."

'The reason I ran for office is because of Hillary Clinton'

Haley told the New York Times in 2011 that the reason she ran for office was Hillary Clinton. This narrative has been presented repeatedly:

The reason I actually ran for office is because of Hillary Clinton. Everybody was telling me why I shouldn’t run: I was too young, I had small children, I should start at the school board level. I went to Birmingham University, and Hillary Clinton was the keynote speaker on a leadership institute, and she said that when it comes to women running for office, there will be everybody that tells you why you shouldn’t but that’s all the reasons why we need you to do it, and I walked out of there thinking “That’s it. I’m running for office.”

Haley has assured that she does not share the ideology of the former first lady but that she considers her "a strong woman" and an example to follow for women in politics.
