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Debris found from lost F-35 in South Carolina

According to the statement from Joint Base Charleston, the plane suffered "a mishap" in mid-flight, which caused the pilot to eject.

Un F-35A Lightning II realiza maniobras durante una salida de entrenamiento el 7 de enero de 2020, sobre la Base Luke de la Fuerza Aérea, Arizona.

(Brooke Moeder/US Air Force)

The that had been lost in Charleston has been found. According to ABC News, after a few hours of searching and almost desperation on the part of the authorities, the debris was found in Williamsburg County, about two hours northeast of Joint Base Charleston.

The Base had alerted citizens to help find the machine, valued at 80 million dollars. The pilot had to eject due to a technical problem and was found unharmed by military operations.

Once the man abandoned the fighter, it is believed that it continued to fly on autopilot until it eventually crashed. The search involved the joint participation of the Navy, Air Force and Civil Air Patrol, along with various local law enforcement agencies.

Two days out of service

Just minutes after the F-35 debris was found, Eric Smith, acting commander of the U.S. Marine Corps, had ordered all military aircraft to remain idle for the next two days.

According to him, this time will be used to focus from the organizational level "on the fundamentals of safe flight operations, ground safety, maintenance and flight procedures, and maintaining combat readiness."

"This pause is being adopted to ensure that the service maintains operational normalization of combat-ready aircraft with well-prepared pilots and crews," he added in the statement.

Smith said he has full confidence in aviation authorities, though he felt the move was "right and prudent" under the circumstances.

A "mishap"

Military officials did not clarify what kind of problem caused the pilot to make the decision to eject from the vehicle. The only thing that has transpired is that the F-35 had suffered a "mishap" that caused the anonymous pilot of the Marine Corps to abandon his aircraft.

According to the statement from Joint Base Charleston, "based on the last known position of the aircraft and in coordination with the FAA, we are focusing our attention north of JB Charleston, around Lake Moultrie and Lake Marion."

GOP Criticism of the Biden Administration

From the Republican Party, the news was received with concern and derision. Concern over the "loss" of the "most sophisticated aircraft ever built." In addition, they joked about the president's lapses by pointing out "How long until @JoeBiden says he once flew F-35s?"

The world's most advanced fighter jet

According to the Lockheed Martin company, the fighter jet in question is the "most advanced in the world." "The F35 offers an unrivaled advantage for our pilots, their nation and global partners. A decisive differentiator in the near war is the most advanced in the operational and network security vision of the twentieth century," they said on their website.

In addition, this fifth generation of the aircraft is "more lethal, stealthy and more survivable." The F-35 family has three members, the conventional, the F-35B short takeoff and vertical landing and the F-35C carrier.

76th anniversary of the Air Force

The strange event occurred amid celebrations for the 76th anniversary of the Air Force.
