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Mexico: Trans male confronts Cineteca Nacional staff for denying him access to women's restrooms

Users on social media showed their support for the facility's workers by arguing that the restrooms are designed and designated for people based on their biological sex.

México: un trans se enfrenta al personal de la Cineteca Nacional por negarle el acceso a los baños femeninos

Voz Media (@RedesEnAccion2

A video that went viral on social media shows a trans male confronting and shouting at the security staff of the Cineteca Nacional in Mexico for allegedly having removed him from the women's restroom when he tried to sneak in.

In the video shared on X, formerly Twitter, the man accuses workers of "discrimination" for removing him from toilets that are designed and designated for people who are biologically female:

This is an act of discrimination in the Cineteca Nacional ... We are tired.

Users on social media showed their support for the staff of the facility and explained the reasons for being against trans people accessing bathrooms that do not correspond to their biological sex

The question is: Would you like it if this person entered in the same bathroom as your young daughter? 
In the Cineteca they removed a trans male from the women's bathroom. It was the correct decision. Bathrooms are designed for specific sexes. The women's bathroom is for women. If a woman is uncomfortable because a trans male is in her bathroom, she has every right to ask that he be removed. 

After the event, the man published several messages on social media where he assured that he will protest the incident at the Cineteca.

Two policewomen removed me from the bathroom at the Cineteca. Soon I will convene a protest. #WithUsTransNo

The Cineteca Nacional also published a statement on social media saying it "emphatically condemns the events that occurred" and apologizes to the man for the actions carried out by the staff.
