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BBC scandal: star presenter accused of paying child for sex pics

The British government is urgently requesting explanations from the director general of the public television channel.

Edificio de la cadena de televisión pública británica BBC

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The British government asked the BBC to investigate allegations that one of its biggest stars paid a teenager for sexually explicit images.

In a statement released Sunday, the British Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) said the latest revelations were "deeply concerning" and urged the BBC to keep the authorities informed of its actions. British media outlets and journalists shared a statement issued by DCMS: "As a public service broadcaster in receipt of public funding, senior officials have stressed to the BBC that the allegations must be investigated urgently and sensitively, with [DCMS] kept informed."

The Secretary of State for Culture, Lucy Frazer, acknowledged talks with the management of the public television network to clarify the serious allegations:

Scandal involves a BBC presenter

The scandal, which was uncovered by the British newspaper The Sun, revealed that a BBC public television presenter paid £35,000 to a minor in exchange for sexually explicit images. It occurred in 2020, when the minor was 17 years old.

The Sun relies on allegations made by the teenager's mother. As reported by the tabloid, the mother signed an affidavit with her accusations, in which she claims that the presenter gave that money to her child to buy drugs. The mother also told The Sun that she saw an image on her son's phone of the presenter in his underwear and in a sexually suggestive pose. So far, no names of anyone involved in the story have been disclosed.

The newspaper explained that the young woman's family complained to the BBC on May 19 and were frustrated that the presenter was still on the air, so they decided to tell the story, but have not accepted any money for it.

n the last few hours, after learning of the British government's intervention, the BBC announced that the presenter involved in the scandal had been suspended: “We can also confirm a male member of staff has been suspended," the corporation said in a statement.
