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New York: teacher urges students to "throw bricks at people with opposing political views"

"I told them, guys, there are strategic ways to protest. You have to throw the brick at the people who are actually doing things that need to be changed."


(Wikimedia Commons)

A high school teacher in New York admitted that she advises teenagers to exercise violence by "throwing bricks" at those who get in the way of her political agenda or thoughts.

Ariane Franco, professor of English at The New School for Leadership and the Arts, stated that "the hard part of throwing bricks is hitting the right people" and that "students should aim their bricks at citizens who cause problems."

This is what I told my students. I told them, 'Guys, there are strategic ways to do this, to protest.' I brought up organizations that have done so. And they chose the places where to throw the bricks. You have to throw the brick at the people who are actually doing things that need to be changed..

Franco was secretly recorded - with a hidden camera - as part of Project Veritas ' initiative that reveals the behaviors of educators who apply indoctrination policies in the country's schools.

"Preparing students not to mess up the world"

Franco said that "proper protest planning" was a big part of her curriculum: "We spent a good two months organizing protests, figuring out what their purpose is and what methods work best to do them. The interview does not explain what teaching protests has to do with the required studies for the English class-.

The teacher claimed that before the class began, she criticized, responded and asked her students not to stand in front of the Pledge of Allegiance:

I tell them we do not stand for the pledge of allegiance. We take the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, but we go about our business. It was a class decision at the beginning of the year.

Franco claimed only to stand up for the oath as a symbol of support for Black Lives Matter and noted that she is looking for phrases to add to it that justify "having to do it every morning"; she wants children to be "critical thinkers" and to challenge their parents and other adults, since they can't "fight by voting."

At one point, when I began to challenge the pledge of allegiance, I had my children change the words. We add phrases to make it something like: liberty and justice for all and we will fight until that is true..... A child cannot fight by voting, but can be a critical thinker who challenges parents and other adults,

The high school teacher concluded by justifying herself by saying that "she is preparing the students not to spoil this world too much".

"The Secret Curriculum by Project Veritas"

Franco is the fourth educator recorded in a series called "The Secret Curriculum" by Project Veritas, an organization that has initiatives that expose unusual behavior by progressive groups through conversations recorded on hidden camera.

- The first case exposed was that of Jeremy Boland, an elementary school assistant principal in Connecticut who revealed that he refuses to hire Catholic teachers, conservatives and people over 30 years old because they are not progressive enough:

You don't hire them... I don't want to do it... Because, if someone has been brought up to be very Catholic, it's like they've been brainwashed. Open-minded and more progressive teachers are actually more adept at conveying a Democratic message without ever having to mention politics.

- The subject of the second recording was Jennifer Norris, a student activities director at Trinity School in Manhattan, who admitted to pushing progressive ideas in the classroom and issuing racial slurs against white children:

I try to interrupt whenever I can, and now I have many opportunities to do so.... I can't pretend I don't promote an agenda, I clearly do. We've been sneaking things through the cracks. I am in charge and will not allow Republican perspectives on campus.
There is a large contingent of white guys who are just awful.... I think they are really horrible people.... They are so protected by capitalism. That's something I'm afraid of with my white students, who are wealthy. It saddens me.

- In the third part of the saga, it was revealed how an assistant principal of a charter school in New York City acknowledges that he does not hire teachers that "do not accept the diverse sexual orientation of their students at all ages." Todd Soper, admitted that any candidate who answered incorrectly to a question about what he believes are the correct definitions of "diversity-equity-inclusion" was a "no automatic contract":

If teacher candidates say diversity is something like 'Oh, it's like, you know, like everyone's the same.' Those things that are well-intentioned statements, but lack the depth of understanding of how the bonds of our identity coexist in the world. Then, that person would not be hired.