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Texas asked to declare invasion on southern border to fight cartels

The Public Policy Foundation, a relevant government think tank, requested the activation of this mechanism and accused the Mexican government of collusion with traffickers and smugglers.

Immigrants at the border

(Crodon Press)

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The Texas Public Policy Foundation(TPPF) advocated for the state to declare the invasion on the southern border. Greg Sindelar, director of the foundation, warned of the dangers of Mexican cartels for the Lone Star State and considered that Texas should make this determination.

During his speech at the 80th annual meeting of the Mexican American Society, held in Mexico City, Sindelar -according to Just The News - stated that Texas is suffering an invasion and recalled the Tenth Section of Article 1 of the Constitution, which states the following:

No State may establish tonnage dues, maintain troops or vessels of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or pact with another State or with a foreign power, or wage war, unless it is actually invaded or in such imminent danger that it cannot be delayed.

Therefore, "the time for Texas to act is long overdue," said the TPPF director.

Greg Sindelar's remarks come shortly after nearly 20 Texas counties signed invasion resolutions in the face of unprecedented levels of illegal aliens entering through the southern border and data on human trafficking and drug smuggling from Mexico. In this regard, Sindelar pointed out that the safety of Mexican and U.S. citizens is at risk due to the violence of Mexican cartels.

The corruption that has taken root and the tolerance of it, he said, has led the Mexican government to be unable to provide security for its own people. As a result, Mexican cartels "effectively control between 30 and 40 percent of Mexico's territory".

The Mexican government is partnering with the cartels when it should be protecting its own citizens.

Declaration of invasion in Texas

More and more voices are calling for this declaration of invasion that began with the alert launched from several Texas counties. A few weeks ago, Senator Roger Marshall announced that he would ask the Senate for this statement in light of the situation he believes the Biden Administration's border decontrol has created.

Other representatives go even further in their descriptions of what is happening on the southern border. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem called what was happening at the country's borders a "war zone" after having to send aid to states like Texas and Arizona in the face of the flood of illegals.
