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Ireland: Christian teacher jailed for not submitting to woke pronouns

The teacher, an evangelical Christian, was suspended from the school where he teaches for not calling a transgender student by his 'new' pronoun. He ended up imprisoned for contempt of court.

Enoch Burke

Enoch Burke / RTE

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Irish justice sent a Christian teacher to prison who had been suspended from his school for refusing to use a transgender student's chosen pronouns. Enoch Burke, who teaches German, history, politics and debate at Wilson's Hospital School in Westmeath, Ireland, was arrested Monday on charges of contempt of court.

The teacher, according to the Irish channel RTÉ, went to school after being suspended in August for refusing a trans student's request to identify him by 'they,' instead of 'he'. The school's administration, being a Church of Ireland diocesan school, asked Burke to conform to the student's new identity, but he refused on the grounds that it went against his Christian beliefs and the Irish Church itself.

Following his suspension, the court ordered him to stay away from the school until his case was resolved. Burke, an evangelical Christian, decided to go to school because he felt that by complying with his expulsion he would be acknowledging that he had committed a serious infraction, which he had not. Judge Michael Quinn ordered him to remain in custody until he agreed to comply with the order keeping him away from the classroom. Burke, however, said his religious beliefs were not misconduct. He held them "with joy and pride and would never deny or betray them in the face of an order to do so."

I love my school, with its motto Res Non Verba (Actions, not words'), but I'm here today because I said I wouldn't call a boy a girl.

Imposition of gender ideologies and the woke agenda

The Enoch Burke case in Ireland came in the midst of a heated debate over the use of pronouns, one of the main battlegrounds of the woke agenda through the imposition of gender ideology in schools.

Last week, a Kansas public school was ordered to pay $95,000 after suspending a teacher for refusing to change the pronoun of a trans student. In December, a Massachusetts teacher was fired for criticizing the woke agenda on social media.

An analysis carried out by the Washington Post in the month of June revealed that more than 160 teachers across the country lost their jobs due to the progressive agenda debates. Meanwhile, several schools are getting away with canceling, censoring and persecuting teachers - and even children - who do not agree with this woke agenda.
