Veteran accuses Tim Walz of stealing nuclear artillery manual from National Guard
The episode coincided with a trip by the now vice presidential candidate to China, according to 'Alpha News.'

Tim Walz, governor and Democratic vice presidential candidate.
A retired Nebraska National Guard soldier maintained, from anonymity for his protection, that, during his service with Tim Walz, the now-Democratic vice presidential candidate stole a classified manual.
Walz was the only one with access to the document, the veteran said in conversation with Alpha News. He was also "often the only one there." Walz, he claimed, stole the manual and then returned it.
The material was a standard operating procedures (SOP) manual for the M109A5 self-propelled bus, the whistleblower detailed. It can fire nuclear artillery. At the same time, according to Alpha News, China was developing a version of the weaponry of its own.Walz had just returned from a trip to the Asian country.
The theft went unreported, according to the former National Guardsman, because members of the battalion were angry with the Minnesota governor, who, having two full-time activities - teaching at a university and serving in the unit - had been neglecting his duties in the unit.
The whistleblower says he regrets not reporting the theft and is willing to cooperate with the FBI.
Walz, under the spotlight
The indictment coincides with an investigation into Walz's relationship with China by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.
Rep. James Comer, chairman of the committee, requested documents from the FBI on the vice presidential candidate. In the crosshairs: the thirty or so trips he undertook to China, both personal and with students, his employment at a Chinese university close to the Chinese Communist Party and his meeting with the president of an organization that U.S. intelligence services detected as part of an effort to recruit local leaders.
Last week it also came to light, via the Daily Caller News Foundation, that the governor had reportedly chosen as a member of a board advising his state administration Chang Wang, a member of a political faction loyal to the Communist Party in China.

Elections 2024
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Emmanuel Alejandro Rondón