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Poll: Nearly one-third of Democrats believe Trump's death would have been good for the country

Just 48% of voters in Kamala Harris' party reject political violence against the Republican presidential candidate.

El candidato republicano estadounidense Donald Trump es visto con sangre en la cara rodeado de agentes del servicio secreto mientras es sacado del escenario en un acto 
de campaña tras un intento de asesinato en Butler Farm Show Inc. en Butler, Pensilvania, el 13 de julio de 2024.

Donald Trump after the attack against him.AFP

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A Napolitan Institute poll demonstrated the level of polarization in American politics with some revealing data regarding the rhetoric of violence surrounding Donald Trump. According to the poll data, 17% of Americans felt that America would be better off if the Republican candidate had been assassinated. Among Democrats, this figure rises to 28%.

According to data provided by the Napolitan Institute, another 24% of Democratic voters would not be sure whether the death of the former president would have been positive. Finally, 48% of Democrats admit that America would not be better off if Trump had been assassinated.

With a sample of 1,000 individuals, the polls were conducted between September 16 and 17, just a few days after the the second assassination attempt against Donald Trump, in the vicinity of his golf course in West Palm Beach (Florida).

The Napolitan poll also noted a high degree of conspiracism and diversity of theories regarding the events that occurred on July 13 and Sept. 15. Thirty-seven percent of respondents believed that some U.S. federal agency was involved in the attacks. Thirty-four percent for the Democratic Party and Harris' campaign entourage; 33% for a foreign government; and 33% believed it was a plot by Donald Trump's entourage.

Paradoxically, many of the Americans also believed that Donald Trump is partly to blame for the attacks against himself. Fifty-four percent of respondents said that the Republican candidate, and his use of "inflammatory language," have incited people to violence.

This same opinion dropped to just 35% for CNN and MSNBC, 33% for Kamala Harris and 29% for Fox Channel.
