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'America Invaded': report outlines devastating Biden-Harris legacy on the border

A document presented by Rep. Chip Roy notes that more than 8.5 million illegals entered the U.S. between 2021 and 2023, of which at least 5.6 million were released into the country, in addition to allowing the passage of fentanyl that killed 75,000 citizens in 2023 alone.

Migrantes en fila intentando cruzar la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México.

Immigrants waiting in front of the U.S. Border.Cordon Press.

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The America Invaded report compiles the devastating legacy of the Biden-Harris Administration at the border. Rep. Chip Roy claimed that, under Border Czar Kamala, 8.5 million illegal immigrants managed to cross the southern border, of whom 5.6 million were released into the country. In addition, traffickers managed to smuggle in more of the drug fentanyl, that has killed 75,000 citizens (200 a day) in 2023 alone. To top it off, the document indicates that as many as 169 terror suspects - a record number - were detained in 2023 alone, and 99 people on the terror watch list were released into the US.

In a post on his personal X account, Roy claimed that the data collected by his team was "just the tip of the iceberg" of the "border invasion perpetrated against the American people by the Harris-Biden regime." Roy further stressed that the worst part is that it is "intentional and the damage is far-reaching."

"My team compiled a summary of the Border Invasion perpetrated against the American people by the Harris-Biden regime - and it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Our country is being torn apart - from dangerous fentanyl to lawless criminals, from known terrorists to death and abuse of migrants, from massive financial costs to fundamental re-making of American society including non-citizen voters. It’s purposeful - and the damage is far-reaching. Every journalist, politicians, and American should read this report and seethe with rage."

In addition to these shattering figures, the report also states that the number of Border Patrol agents is absolutely insufficient to deal with the waves of illegals arriving at the border or trying to cross undetected, which generated a high degree of stress and overload for the officers. As a matter of fact, the number of corps members who committed suicide in 2022 had doubled since 2020.

Changes in U.S. society due to immigration

Roy also points to the number of deportations carried out by ICE as a sign of the Biden-Harris Administration's open doors: 44,096 in 2022, 62% fewer than in 2020, even though the number of illegals crossing the border was overwhelmingly higher in 2022.

The effects of the Biden-Harris immigration policy's pull factor are also reflected in the composition of American society. The report notes that the foreign-born population reached 51.2 million people (15.6% of the total) in 2024, the largest number in history. There has also been a record-breaking pace of naturalization of people, exceeding three million so far this term. According to Roy and his team, this has had an impact on employment, since while the US-born have yet to regain pre-pandemic levels, immigrant hiring has surpassed pre-covid figures.

Democrats aim to get illegals to vote, Roy says

But there is an even more troubling effect, and it is the one that the Republican representative points to as the real cause of Kamala and Biden's stance on this issue: voting in elections. "The Biden-Harris regime actively fights against initiatives like the SAVE Act to ensure that illegal aliens don't register to vote," Roy asserted. Indeed, "states have found thousands of illegal aliens on their voter rolls - recently, Virginia removed more than 6,300 non-citizens from its voter rolls and Texas removed more than 6,500 from its voter rolls."

The report also notes that the increase in crime is linked to criminals coming into the country taking advantage of the ease of access:

"Under the Biden-Harris crisis, there has been skyrocketing apprehensions of criminals, gang members, terrorists, and other bad actors who’ve capitalized on fewer line agents policing the border to infiltrate the interior – indicating a dangerous trend. In Fiscal Year 2021, Border Patrol agents encountered 10,763 aliens with criminal convictions – a 341% surge from FY 2020. In FY 2022, 12,028 criminal alien arrests were effectuated. In FY 2023, border agents apprehended 15,267 criminals. With two months left in FY 2024, 14,697 arrests of criminal aliens have been effectuated, nearly surpassing the arrests made the previous year. Similarly, gang member apprehensions have jumped during the same period."

Jocelyn Nungaray and Laken Riley, victims of the Biden-Harris immigration policy

The document directly points out that this lack of control is what allowed murders such as those of Jocelyn Nungaray and Laken Riley at the hands of illegal immigrants with criminal records and who should have been deported before they occurred.

Kamala's tenure as Border Czar, moreover, has allowed the empowerment of the cartels on the border, which has allowed them to take de facto control of it for their illicit human or drug trafficking businesses. The report states that "as of 2022, under the Biden-Harris administration, the cartels obtain more than 13 billion dollars a year in human trafficking, subjecting migrants to all kinds of abuses." In this regard, the document dedicates a special chapter to the situation of minors trying to cross the border as families or in the hands of smugglers as unaccompanied minors.

"A fundamental desire to remake and cement a one-party government"

Roy's conclusion is blunt: "The radical progressive Democrats have caused the worst border crisis in recent history, and the flames have spread to nearly every state and locality in the nation. This crisis is rooted in a fundamental desire to remake and cement a one-party government based on state dependency."

Roy called on both houses of Congress to immediately pass two critical bills to rein in and try to reverse the situation: the SAVE Act and the Secure the Border Act. However, both are rejected by the majority of Democrats, making it very difficult for them to move forward in the Senate.
