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Gov. Abbott says Texas "solved" its immigration problem, but U.S. needs another president to end border crisis

The Republican claimed that President Joe Biden wanted to steal credit for stopping the flow of illegal immigrants into the state.

Greg Abbott, gobernador de Texas

Greg Abbott, governor of TexasCordon Press

Texas Governor Greg Abbott claims that his state has managed to solve its immigration problem, but that the country needs a new president to truly end the border crisis.

"We’ve solved the Texas problem," Abbott said in an interview with NewsNation, in which he noted that illegal border crossings were down "more than 85%" in the last year on the Texas-Mexico border.

The governor then pointed out that the credit for that reduction in the flow of illegal immigrants is due to the work done by his administration, denying that President Joe Biden had any hand in Texas' achievements.

"If you go back and look at when border crossings began to decline, that was more than half a year before (...) That was back in last December, and that was after Texas had begun our accelerated operations to deny illegal entry using the guard, using the razor wire, using the pepper ball, and so it was the robust comprehensive approach by Texas that actually led to the decline."

"Biden just happened to come in and stepped and rode on our coattails," Abbott insisted, dismissing arguments that the executive order issued in June by Biden, which limited illegal entries at the U.S.-Mexico border, had any positive impact.

Still, the governor argued that other states in the country continue to have severe immigration problems and that only a new president could put an end to the border crisis.

In particular, Abbott said he remains concerned about "all those terrorists, all those murderers, all those rapists" who enter the United States through New Mexico, Arizona and California, the other three states bordering Mexico.

"The United States problem — that requires a new president to make sure that we are actually going to secure our border," declared the Republican governor, who vowed not to rest until illegal crossings reach zero.
