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Most voters prefer Trump when it comes to issues such as the economy, immigration and crime

Only 35% of Americans approve of Joe Biden's job performance, while 57% disapprove.

Donald Trump

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The polls agree: Donald Trump leads the presidential race just six months before he faces Joe Biden. Two polls, one from NBC and the other from ABC News/Ipsos, revealed that Trump has a slight two-point advantage over Biden.

"Polls also show a majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job in office — an opening Trump has seized to hammer Biden on issues like the economy and the border," explained an NBC analysis that was published this Sunday.

The ABC News/Ipsos survey agrees with that vision, which detailed that former President Donald Trump is the favorite among voters to handle issues such as the economy, immigration and crime. The poll also explained that only 35% of Americans approve of Biden's performance, while 57% disapprove.

Trump, moreover, leads in trust to handle six of 10 issues tested in the survey, with Biden ahead in just two. That includes, for Trump, the three most-cited issues in importance -- the economy, on which he has a 14-point advantage; inflation, again 14 points; and crime and safety, 8 points.

22024 Election by Williams Perdomo

"Trump is showing improvement among Latinos"

Regarding the Hispanic vote, the ABC News study highlighted that Latino voters have distanced themselves from Democrats. Biden's lead over Trump in this group has narrowed to just four points. It is estimated that at least 36 million Hispanics will be able to vote in the next presidential election in which Joe Biden and Donald Trump are expected to face each other.

This data from ABC News also coincides with a survey conducted by Axios-Ipsos that explained that Biden's lead over Trump among all Hispanics has fallen at least 29 points since Biden's first year in office.

"Latinos gave Trump a 22-point edge over Biden when it comes to dealing with the economy, and an 11-point edge on fighting crime. Trump is showing improvement among Latinos even though 52% of survey respondents said they worry that a mass deportation effort like what he's proposed would target all Latinos, regardless of immigration status," the Axios study said.
