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Robert Kennedy Jr. charges that the Democratic Party wants to keep him off the ballot in Nevada

The independent candidate for president gathered the necessary signatures to get on the Nevada ballot, but a new requirement seeks to leave him out of the race.

Robert Kennedy Jr.

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Robert Kennedy Jr. intends to run one of the most successful independent campaigns in the history of presidential elections in the United States. After the 46 electors won by George Wallace in 1968 and the 18% of the popular vote won by Ross Perot in 1992, the standard bearer of the Kennedy dynasty seeks to improve on these performances nationwide. However, his campaign is in the midst of a nationwide ballot access war.

The candidate reached an impressive 22% in a national Quinnipiac poll, but he will not be able to capture those votes unless he is allowed to formally enter the race. To complete this mission, his team has been working for months to collect the hundreds of thousands of signatures he needs across the country.

The candidate faces opposition from outside groups and from the Democratic Party, which understands that his candidacy would affect Joe Biden more than Donald Trump, seeking to thwart his efforts to be on the electoral ballot in all 50 states.

"This is the epitome of corruption"

Indeed, Kennedy claims that Democrats are attempting to sabotage his efforts in Nevada, where he claims to have reached the required 10,095 signatures. According to a campaign statement, "Nevada Secretary of State, Democrat Francisco Aguilar, is making a desperate attempt to invalidate campaign signatures in the state."

"This is the epitome of corruption. After successfully collecting all of the signatures we need in Nevada, the DNC Goon Squad and their lackeys in the Nevada Secretary of State’s office are outright inventing a new requirement for the petition with zero legal basis. The Nevada statute does not require the VP on the petition. The petition does not even have a field for a VP on it. The state confirmed that the petition does not require a VP in writing on Nov. 14. The state approved our petition without a VP on it in writing on Jan. 9," Paul Rossi, Kennedy's campaign ballot access attorney, said of the petition.

"This assault on the democratic rights of millions of Americans in Nevada, and their freedom to vote for an independent candidate, embodies the corruption and depravity that has come to characterize the Democratic Party," the counsel continued.

Not content with this, the statement asserts that the new rule was driven from the party leadership and/or the Biden administration itself.

"The Kennedy campaign intends to depose the Secretary of State to find out exactly which White House or DNC official concocted this scheme," the missive concludes.

So far, RFK Jr. is only on the ballot in Utah, although his campaign claims he also qualified in New Hampshire, Hawaii and of course Nevada. A pro-Kennedy super PAC, in turn, says it has collected enough signatures to get him on the ballot in Michigan, South Carolina, Arizona and Georgia as well.
