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Trump's thrashing in North Dakota Republican primary in the run-up to Super Tuesday

The former president increased his lead over Nikki Haley, who just won her first primary in Washington, D.C.

Paliza de Trump en las primarias republicanas de Dakota del Norte en la previa al “Supermartes”


Without leaving any doubt, former President Donald Trump swept the North Dakota caucus, sending a strong message ahead of the 15 primaries to be held this March 5, on Super Tuesday.

With 84.6% of the vote, Trump clearly defeated former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, who had just won her first primary in this election cycle in Washington, D.C., one of the most Democratic districts in the country.

To this end, Trump won his ninth election out of ten contested in this primary cycle, winning 29 delegates, leaving him in line for 276 representatives. Haley was left with 43 delegates.

Officially, the former president needs 1,215 delegates to confirm the Republican nomination.

This Tuesday, he could get very close to that number since, during Super Tuesday, a total of 865 delegates will be disputed, representing 36% of the electoral votes needed to be the nominee.

Meanwhile, Haley's campaign is betting all its chips on Super Tuesday, even though it looks almost impossible to snatch the nomination from former President Trump, especially after these first ten races.

In fact, the Haley campaign announced a seven-figure ad buy earlier this month targeting voters in several states who will go to the polls this Tuesday to vote for their Republican nominee.

Time is running out for Nikki Haley to turn the tide in this primary cycle.
