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Solid lead: Trump leads Biden among young voters by a 13-point margin

In a head-to-head in the 2024 general elections, the Republican would defeat the Democratic president by four percentage points.

Pantalla dividida con imágenes de Donald Trump y Joe Biden hablando desde atriles.

(Cordon Press)

A recent Fox News poll found that former US President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden among young voters by a 13-point margin.

This is yet another poll that shows Trump solidly ahead of Biden, whether within a particular key electorate or swing states.

According to the conservative news network, 41% of respondents under 30 said they would vote for Trump in the 2024 general election, while 28% said they would vote for Biden.

The gap among respondents under 45 narrowed somewhat but clearly favored Trump, with 41% saying they would vote for the Republican candidate versus 31% who would vote for the Democratic incumbent.

The survey, conducted jointly by Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), interviewed 1,007 randomly selected registered voters between December 10 and 13 and has a margin of sampling error plus or minus three percentage points for all registered voters.

Biden falls to Haley and Trump in the general elections

The survey also matched hypothetical scenarios for the 2024 elections.

For example, in a matchup against Nikki Haley, Biden would lose by six points. Meanwhile, against Trump, he would make it four, a number that coincides with a recent CNN poll that puts Trump ahead of Biden with 49% of the votes to 45%.

Likewise, another survey by The Wall Street Journal shows that, in a face-to-face in 2024, Trump leads Biden with 47% of the votes compared to the president's 43%.

DeSantis and Biden, according to Fox News, would be tied if this confrontation were to occur right now.

Biden's decline is notable since, in August, he led the three Republican candidates by minimal differences. He is running behind Haley and Trump and dealing with the worst approval ratings during his term.
