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The latest polls show Donald Trump up to four points ahead of Biden in the presidential race

The most recent CNN poll -among registered voters- gives the former president 49% support compared to 45% for the president.

Joe Biden (i) y Donald Trump (d) / Collage con fotos de Wikimedia Commons; Gage Skidmore

Joe Biden y Donald Trump (Wikimedia Commons / Gage Skidmore)

Recent polls maintain the same trend that has been evident in recent months: Donald Trump continues to lead by up to four percentage points in a possible match against Joe Biden in the race for the White House.

In most of the polls analyzed by Real Clear Politics, the former president has an advantage over the current leader of the nation. For example, in the survey carried out by CNN, Trump obtained 49% of voters' support compared to the 45% that Biden obtained. The outlet assured that "support" for the president "is significantly weaker":

Biden's re-election chances are hurt by deeply negative approval ratings, a stagnant sense that things are going wrong in America, diminished support among key voting blocs and a widespread sense that he is unprepared for the job.

CNN Poll on 2024 by Veronica Silveri on Scribd

Support for Biden continues to decline

Only 25% of voters believe that Biden has "the stamina and acuity" to do the job of president effectively (compared to 53% who believe they say the same about Trump). Support for the current president is much lower in some groups where he was previously widely supported. Among them: those under 35 years of age (47% support Biden vs. 48% who support Trump). This is also the case with independent voters: 41% (Biden) vs. 45% (Trump).

Biden's approval rating is at its lowest point since he began his term (39% approve and 61% disapprove). His performance as a national leader is also down: "42% of Americans strongly disapprove of his performance, and only 14% strongly approve."

The other surveys

In the main surveys analyzed by Real Clear Politics, former President Trump has an average lead of 1.4% over Biden (who only leads him in two polls).

Morning Consult: 44% Trump vs. 42% Biden ( +2 for the former president).

CBS News : 51% Trump vs. 48% Biden ( +3 for the former president).

The Messenger/HarrisX : 51% Trump vs. 49% Biden (+2 for the former president).

Economist/YouGov : 42% Trump vs. 42% Biden (tie).

Harvard-Harris : 52% Trump vs. 48% Biden ( +4 for the former president)

Quinnipiac 46% Trump vs. 47% Biden (+1 for the president).

USA Today/Suffolk : 41% Trump vs. 41% Biden (tie).

Emerson : 47% Trump vs. 45% Biden (+2 for the former president).

Yahoo News : 43% Trump 44% vs. Biden (+1 for the president).

Grinnell/Selzer : 40% Trump vs. 40% Biden (tie).
