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Boston Mayor Michelle Wu holds her racist, no-whites-allowed Christmas party

Michelle Wu uploaded a photo on social media bragging about "breaking down barriers" while excluding white councilors from the meeting.

La alcaldesa de Boston, Michelle Wu

Michelle Wu / Cordon Press.

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The controversy unleashed a few days ago by Boston Mayor Michelle Wu came to a head Friday when the mayor proudly celebrated her racist Christmas party. The event, which was announced last Wednesday, was exclusive to people of color.

The mayor of Boston uploaded a post to her social media bragging about "breaking down barriers." Accompanied by a photograph in which only people of color were seen, the post was further proof that Wu had excluded the white councilors from the evening, as planned.

Mistake uncovers Michelle Wu's racist dinner

The controversy broke out earlier this week. On Wednesday, a councilor revealed that he had received an email from the mayor's assistant, Denise DosSantos. In said email, which all city councilors received, they were invited to the "Electeds of Color Holiday Party."

Minutes later, a new email appeared in the councilor's inbox. In it, DosSantos reported that, by mistake, she had sent that email to all council members when, in reality, the event was only for black members of the Boston City Council. Seven white people were therefore not invited:

I wanted to apologize for my previous email ... I did send that to everyone by accident, and I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused,

Backlash to the invitation did not take long to arrive. The white councilors whose invitation had been withdrawn stated that they did not view this segregation favorably. However, they stated, they were not offended.

One of them, outgoing Councilman Frank Baker, described the decision as “unfortunate and divisive” to The Washington Examiner. However, he clarified, he did not mind not attending the dinner: "To offend me, you’re going to have to do much more than not invite me to a party," Baker assured.
