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The new life of George Santos: personalized messages on Cameo

Senator Fetterman viralizes a video commissioned from the former representative in which he advises Bob Menéndez to "stay strong."

George Santos, en una sesión del Congreso.

(Cordon Press/Cameo/X)

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George Santos already has a job after his expulsion from the House of Representatives. The controversial former congressman began offering personalized recordings in exchange for money through the Cameo platform. Something that has gone viral thanks to Senator, John Fetterman, who commissioned him for a video to mock Senator, Bob Menéndez, who is being investigated for corruption, without Santos knowing who he was addressing.

Santos, "former congressional 'Icon'"

The former representative presents himself in his platform profile as "former Congressional 'icon'" and "the expelled member of Congress from New York." Sending him a message costs $20 and, according to Wired, his videos, which last about 30 seconds, are priced at $200 each and arrive within 24 hours of being ordered.

Screenshot of George Santos profile on Cameo.

Fetterman uses Santos' new side to make fun of Menéndez

Senator Fetterman, who was critical of the expulsion of George Santos, but not of allowing Bob Menéndez to continue in his seat, was one of the first to use the personalized services of the former congressman to send a message to his fellow member of the bench and party. The legislator from Pennsylvania asked the former representative from New York for a video of support for "Bobby from Jersey" which he later shared on his social networks:

I thought my ethically challenged colleague Bob Menendez could use some encouragement given his significant legal troubles. So I approached a seasoned expert on the matter to give "Bobby from New Jersey" some advice.

"Hey Bobby!"

In the video, Santos points out: "Hey, Bobby! I don't think I need to tell you, but those people who want to get you into trouble and who want to throw you out and make you run away, make them shut up! Stand firm, sir, and don't let yourself be blocked by all those who hate you. Stay strong. Merry Christmas!."

Santos himself wrote his own tweet sharing the story, claiming that he had no idea that "Bobby" was Menéndez. "I love this!, I wish I knew the Bobby in question! LOL."

Menéndez himself has been less amused by the matter, who in statements reported by CNN, indicated that "I don't think the donors of Mr. clickbait appreciate him using campaign funds to enrich George Santos."

More Democratic politicians 'hire' Santos

From the looks of it, Santos' future in Cameo is promising, especially from Democratic politicians. For example, the blue party´s account in Ohio, commissioned a video of the former legislator thanking the Republican Senate candidate for this state, Bernie Moreno, for his generous contributions to his campaign for the House of Representatives in 2022.
