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Pro-Palestine socialists protested in Times Square shouting anti-Semitic slogans after Hamas' aggression against Israel

During the protest another pro-Israel group appeared to counter-demonstrate.

Times Square, grupos Pro-Palestina marchan contra Israel con consignas antisemitas

Captura de uno de los momentos de las manifestaciones. (Captura de vídeo de Julio Rosa, en X, antes Twitter)

This Sunday, October 8, just one day after an unprecedented terrorist attack by the group Hamas against Israel began, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), along with other leftist and nationalist Pro-Palestinian groups, gathered in Times Square to shout anti-Semitic slogans.

They shouted "New York City you will see, Palestine will be free," "Zionism is genocide" or "End all U.S. aid to apartheid Israel," the extreme leftist groups showed their repudiation of Israel in the midst of the most important attack of its borders since 1973.

According to the National Review, there were hundreds of protesters present with people of all ages, including children shouting pro-Palestinian slogans.

However, although some said they did not support Hamas, there was no consensus among protesters about the terrorist group's actions and several openly supported them.

"I support Hamas. They’re the only chance we have," one Palestinian told the National Review. Others did not agree, but they did take a stand against the Israeli State.

As the hours progressed, a large pro-Israel group of about 200 people counter-demonstrated, shouting the famous words “Shame of you” to show their rejection of the original protest.

According to the New York Post, both groups faced each other with slogans and insults and tempers gradually heated up with the police setting up a barrier in the middle to calm the situation.

However, everything exploded when several pro-Palestine protesters grabbed an Israeli flag, trampled it, tore it and set it on fire.

“When a counter-protester went to retrieve the flag, groups of people stormed past the barricades and scuffles broke out,” the NYP reported.

Finally, the police managed to control the confrontations with three people arrested and called to testify for disorderly conduct.
