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Michelle Obama for 2024? Her biographer and several conservative voices believe so

Writer Joel Gilbert thinks there is an ideal climate for the former first lady to announce her candidacy.

Michelle Obama / Wikimedia Commons; Gage Skidmore

Michelle Obama / Wikimedia Commons; Gage Skidmore

Is Michelle Obama a serious choice to become the Democratic presidential nominee? For her biographer and several conservative players, the answer is yes.

Given President Joe Biden's unpopularity and all the doubts about his physical and mental ability to hold office, the discussion revolves around whether Democrats have a viable option to replace the current president.

For writer Joel Gilbert, author of the book "Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power," the wife of former President Barack Obama is the ideal candidate to fill Biden's position.

"Michelle has been copying Barack Obama's path to the White House," Gilbert said in an interview with Real America's Voice, where he said he believes Joe Biden "is on his way out" of the presidential race and Mrs. Obama will take his place.

The writer elaborated on his theory and explained that the recent "scandals" involving Barack Obama — such as the "homosexual fantasies" of the president or the sudden appearance of Larry Sinclair (alleged lover of the former president)—, are actually stories that had already circulated for years and that could aim to position the Obama family in the public eye.

"So the fact that these are coming to the surface tells you that I think there's something going on in Obama world," said Gilbert, who then explained all the steps Michelle Obama has been taking, which seem to mirror those of her husband's.

According to Gilbert, before coming to the White House, Barack Obama had a voter registration organization in Chicago as did Michelle, who founded a similar group funded by leftist tycoon George Soros.

There are other details. Before becoming president, Barack Obama had written two autobiographies, the same number published, so far, by Michelle Obama.

And finally, in 2004, Barack Obama was the keynote speaker who introduced John Kerry to that year's Democratic convention. Who introduced Joe Biden at the 2020 Democratic convention? That's right, Michelle Obama.

So, for Gilbert, there are a host of factors — Biden's unpopularity and incapacity, Barack Obama's scandals and his wife's path — that make Michelle Obama a viable choice for 2024.

Some conservatives agree with Gilbert

It's not just Michelle Obama's biographer who thinks she may be the Democratic nominee for 2024. Renowned Republican strategist Roger Stone, a key ally of former President Trump, predicted in July at Florida's Turning Point Action conference that the former first lady could be the Democratic Party's nominee.

But even before Stone, in May, Newt Gingrich, who was speaker of the House of Representatives between 1995 and 1999, had already foreshadowed a possible great return of the Obamas with Michelle at the helm.

On Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures, Gingrich said the departure of Susan Rice, Biden's former domestic policy adviser, was a small sign of Michelle Obama's possible candidacy.

"I think Republicans had better pay significant attention to Michelle Obama," Gingrich said at the time, noting that the former first lady had had several successful events, including one with Oprah in Los Angeles attended by about 9,000 people.
