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Midterms: six out of ten voters think Democrats will "open the Southern border" to illegals if they win Congress

The majority of Whites (62%) and Hispanic voters (55%) say Democrats are likely to open the U.S.-Mexico border if they win the House and Senate.

Bandera, frontera, elecciones


With the midterm elections just over a week away, a CBS News/YouGov poll shows that 59% of voters believe Democrats will "open" the southern border to a flood of illegal immigrants if they win the House and Senate.

CBSNews_Poll by Voz Media on Scribd

Also, the majority of White Americans (62%) and Hispanic voters (55%) say Democrats are likely to open the U.S.-Mexico border if they win Congress.

Democrats put immigrants first

The same poll found that 45% of voters think Democrats put newly arrived immigrants ahead of U.S. citizens, while only 15% of voters say Democrats put U.S. citizens ahead of immigrants.

The survey came out just as the Joe Biden Administration has broken a record of apprehending 2.5 million illegal immigrants while crossing the U.S.-Mexico border since the president took office. The White House denies that there is a border crisis, yet it has released about 1.35 million such illegals into the country. This foreign population is twice the size of Boston, Massachusetts, nearly three times the size of Atlanta, Georgia, and about 20 times the population of Portland, Maine.

Gasoline prices

The poll also revealed important data that gives Republicans a victory over Democrats on fuel prices. More than half of respondents (53%) said that if Democrats control Congress next year, gas prices would go up. Fifteen percent think it will decrease and 32% think that "there will be no major impact.”

However, when asked what they thought about gas prices if Republicans controlled Congress, nearly half of voters (45%) said gas would go down. Twenty one percent said it would go up, and 34% said "there will be no major impact.”
