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The immigration crisis that Biden doesn't see but Americans do

Almost 60% of citizens perceived the situation on the border with Mexico as a crisis. Half of the country disapproves the president's immigration policies.

Inmigración foto archivo

Cordon Press

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4,900,000 people have entered the country illegally since Biden has been president. This was reported in a report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The figure includes the 3.4 million immigrants registered by the Border Patrol, another 900,000 fugitives who entered the country undetected and even 10 arrestees who were on the terrorist watch list.

Each new data point was a record compared to the previous one. In recent months, since the beginning of the fiscal year (October 2021), agents made nearly two million . Despite all this, the Biden Administration does not speak of an immigration crisis. This perception is very different from that of the citizens.

According to the latest Economist/YouGov poll, the majority of Americans (59%) described the current situation on the U.S.-Mexico border as a crisis, with more Republicans (81%) and independents (57%) than Democrats (45%) describing it as such.

Disapproval of Biden's immigration management

YouGov data indicated that nearly half of Americans (49%) disapprove of Joe Biden's handling of immigration. There is also a large majority of Americans who put the spotlight on illegal immigration. 61% of respondents considered illegal immigration to be a problem for the country.

Questioned about the fate of immigrants intercepted at the border, a majority of citizens (48%) considered that they should be returned to the country through which they entered while their future in the United States is being decided. 19% said that people in this situation should remain in the place through which they entered and 6% said they should be sent to other parts of the country. 8% felt that they should be allowed to remain in the country immediately.

Devolución de inmigrantes

The Economist/YouGov poll took a sample of 1,500 citizens and was conducted from August 13-16. It has a 3% margin of error.
