Los Angeles: 'Racist' councilman refuses to resign because "there is much work to be done"
Kevin De León apologized for his "failure" after the leak of the audio where -along with two councilmen- they call his partner's black son "changuito" (little monkey).

Captura de video/ CBSNews
The leak of a controversial audio of racist comments between three Los Angeles City Council officials sparked widespread calls for the resignation of those involved. So far, Nury Martínez, former president of the Board, is the only one who has resigned. Kevin De León and Gil Cedillo - the others implicated - refuse to leave their posts, although they have already been "censured" by the president of the legislative body.
De León, in an interview with CBS, acknowledged that his words were offensive and that he "failed" to stop his colleagues when he heard racist remarks about the black son of one of his colleagues:
The councilman reaffirmed that he will not leave his position no matter how many demands are imposed on him: "I will not resign because there is a lot of work to be done. We have to face the ongoing crises in the district, the unemployment, the threat of eviction, the humanitarian crisis of the homeless."
The black "little monkey" son
In the recording, the councilmen can be heard calling their colleague Mike Bonin's black son "ese changuito", which means "that little monkey." "They are raising him like a white child. They also referred to their colleague as "that little bitch."
The harshest criticism of De Leon is for comparing his partner's son to an accessory: "Bonin handles his son in a similar way to when Nury brings her little patio bag or Louis Vuitton bag."
Council calls for resignation
Much of the comments in the audio were directed at Bonin's son, who after watching the interview, stated that "Kevin de Leon's comments are trying to dodge the issue at the highest level. He says he should have intervened, as if he were a mere spectator, of a racist conversation in which he played a central and ignominious role."
"Kevin de Leon has the opportunity to seek forgiveness from all of Los Angeles and the black community and my son in particular. But that starts with his resignation from City Hall. No matter what he says today, his comments on that tape make it clear that he is not fit for office in this city," Bonin added.
For his part, the new council president, Paul Krekorian, said that "apologies will not be enough to undo the damage this city has suffered" and is calling for him to resign from office:
The two councilors have already been "censured" by the president of the Council. The Municipal Legislative Body does not have the power to expel members and can only suspend them when criminal charges are pending. Officials may be censured, but this does not result in removal from office.