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Biden bellows against Supreme Court and abortionists prepare 'death boats'

An abortion ship arrives in the Gulf of Mexico amped up by the president's criticism of the Supreme Court and sudden interest in advancing abortion.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden (The White House)

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Joe Biden has taken it upon himself to champion the defense of abortion in the country, thereby giving strength to abortion groups. In a new attack on the decisions of the Supreme Court, the president is campaigning for the mid-term elections, taking advantage of the noise created by these groups after the Roe v. Wade ruling.

Last Friday, Biden signed the order intended to safeguard access to abortion. Despite the fact that his government cannot reestablish this practice at will in states that have introduced limits, the president knows that this gesture will boost the advocates of voluntary termination of pregnancy. These groups have begun their offensive against the pro-life states of the country, being aware of this presidential support.

Culture of death: a boat ride to abortion

The pro-abortion group PRROWESS plans to perform abortions in international waters of the Gulf of Mexico. According to Breitbart, the group headed by Dr. Meg Autry, a San Francisco gynecologist and university professor, is preparing a ship to perform abortions in areas near Republican states that protect the lives of the unborn. PRROWESS stands for 'Protecting Reproductive Rights of Women Endangered by State Laws'.

The doctor points out in an interview with NBC that this is "my life's work". Moreover, she is confident that this challenge will pose a challenge to pro-life states. "We have a very powerful legal team," she warns.

Mapa de los Estados Unidos

The project aims to facilitate the termination of pregnancy in states with restrictions on the practice of terminating the life of the newborn, such as Texas, Alabama, Mississippi or Louisiana, hence the choice of the southern part of the country (Gulf of Mexico) to carry out its plans. These are federal waters, which are outside state jurisdiction and would allow these abortions to be performed. The group's intention is to recruit women who want to terminate their pregnancies and embark them on this sinister journey by circumventing the laws of their states. The abortion organization raises funds to perform abortions.
