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Democratic protesters call for Kamala to be even more extreme

As the vice president talks about price controls, radicals in the Democratic Party are pushing the campaign to move even further to the irrational and dangerous left.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the White House.AFP


The Democratic National Convention has begun, and Chicago is already full of protesters. Democratic voters are demanding that a hypothetical Kamala Harris administration be even more left-wing than her campaign has so far been portrayed. The issue rightly causes panic among many Americans. The vice president has even dared to talk about price controls, which confirms that the Harris-Walz duo is the most progressive in the history of this country. However, for extreme Democrats, this is not enough.

Since Sunday, shouts from protesters have been heard on the streets of Chicago, even calling Kamala a "murderer" in relation to the war in Israel. The organizers of the protests have said that the main priority is the demand for a ceasefire in Gaza and for the United States to stop collaborating with Israel. This should not be confused with an anti-war movement. What we are seeing within the Democratic Party is the exponential growth of antisemitism, and it is a moral duty of the leadership, particularly Kamala, to curb those ideas.

Sadly, it is highly unlikely that we will see Kamala curbing the antisemitic rhetoric and actions in her party. She knows that she needs that extreme base, and that it is precisely those radical factions that have supported her throughout her history in politics.

This could have disastrous consequences for both her party and the country. Support for Israel is a matter of national security for the United States. It has serious implications internationally and, in addition, it affects the Jewish community on U.S. soil, which in recent months has seen its security threatened because of the weakness of a government that has not been able to apply the weight of the law to those who are putting Jewish Americans at risk.

Harris has so much respect (or fear, we still do not know) for the pro-Palestinian movement that even though Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro was her best chance to win the election, she decided to choose someone who was not Jewish.

On the other hand, the LGBTI and pro-abortion movements also have a large presence at the Democratic Convention, demanding, among other things, that the money that goes to help Israel be spent on what they call "reproductive health," which is nothing more than the murder of babies. At the same time, they promote an absolutely radical agenda on gender, advocating irreversible procedures even for children.

Chicago's anti-capitalist groups have also made their presence felt. They are demanding that Kamala depart from the economic principles that made the country strong and adopt socialist measures that include free healthcare for everyone, including non-citizens; subsidies on a massive scale; and an extreme green agenda that would bring unfortunate consequences in terms of inflation and unemployment.

Kamala is extreme. She was rated in 2019 by GovTrack as the most extreme senator. Her record in politics clearly shows her leftist views, but the situation becomes even more dangerous when increasingly extremist groups seem to be taking over the Democratic Party and demanding stances that, even for Democrats, would have been unacceptable a few years ago. Sensible members of the party should raise their voices and save it before it is too late. An eventual Kamala Harris administration could mean the destruction of the Democratic Party as we know it.
