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Kamala needs even more time than Biden to prepare for an interview

The Democratic candidate has said she will possibly give an interview by the end of the month. Not even the president needed that many days to prepare for his debate with Trump.

Kamala Harris in Atlanta, Georgia.(Photo by Elijah Nouvelage / AFP)

These days millions of Americans watch in amazement as the new Democratic presidential candidate needs more time than Biden to prepare for an interview. The idea was supposed to be to replace the president with someone who could hold debates, answer the press and, above all, communicate with the people, but it seems that the solution turned out to be even worse than the problem.

It has now been three weeks since Biden targeted Kamala Harris as his replacement for the presidential race, and so far the candidate has not given any interviews to the media, her brief exchanges with reporters have lasted mere seconds. But today, the Democrat made some big news, she said that possibly by the end of the month she would finally give an interview.

Which means Kamala needs even more time than Biden to prepare! Biden spent about a week at Camp David being prepped for the disastrous presidential debate that ended his career. But her replacement needs even more time. More than a month to prepare for an interview with a friendly media that will surely be completely on his side and avoid awkward questions.

How is it possible that the Democratic presidential candidate needs more than a month to know what to say regarding the fundamental issues of the country and about her proposals? And the issue is even more galling when we consider that Kamala has been vice president for three and a half years, She should have the information she needs to debate and to give interviews.

This is not a minor problem. Kamala Harris and her team are so aware that the likelihood of making multiple mistakes in a debate or interview is very high that they even prefer to put it off for months. Despite constant pressure from President Trump and JD Vance, even counting the days the candidate has gone without giving an interview, the Harris-Walz campaign seems to be cheaper to assume the cost of being hidden.

But why is she hiding? Although Americans are by now accustomed to seeing the Democratic candidate using the "basement" hiding strategy, the reasons are different now. Biden evidently did not have the mental capacities to answer questions. But Kamala is aware and does have the cognitive skills to explain ideas, so what could be so dangerous that would force the candidate to hide even longer than President Biden did?

It is true that Kamala has been known for years for her weak oratory. When she speaks she has a hard time keeping the thread of the conversation, she usually has no arguments, and she also has a nervous laugh that not only gives her away easily, but also annoys many. But most likely, the strategy of hiding her from the cameras is due to much more than her limited speech-making skills.

Kamala is an extreme leftist, her voting record as a senator and her actions as a prosecutor in California say so. The Democratic candidate has no chance of winning the independent and moderate vote if she honestly explains her positions. But on the other hand, if she lies, and pretends to be moderate, she also has a problem, she would anger the extremes of her party, who are her base. Also, it would be very difficult to deny her own positions, when there are so many records of what she has said and supported.

For a person with that record and with such poor public speaking skills, it is very difficult to face tremendous challenges. That is why for now Kamala prefers to leave her campaign in the hands of the media and continue "preparing."
