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Washington Department of Health helps teens get gender reassignment treatments

Conservative Ladies of Washington revealed that the state's Teen Health Hub will "walk [minors] through the process of getting Apple Care insurance and then helps them find a provider" without their parents' consent.

Menores trans


The Washington Teen Health Hub, part of the state Department of Health, is offering help to minors obtain free treatments related to gender reassignment and abortion.

The center's website provides materials and resources for children to learn about how they can obtain these services without parental consent. This includes "gender-affirming care," according to the text.

Resources that 'guide them through the process'

According to Conservative Ladies of Washington, the Teen Health Hub offers resources that "walk [minors] through the process of getting Apple Care insurance and then helps them find a provider," and even offer them free transportation:

The hub offers more than 20 different resources/websites for teens to learn about their rights and access to healthcare.

"Of course, most of the 'big' players in the agenda to queer America’s children are linked through the hub, including, Planned Parenthood, The Trevor Project, AMAZE (one of the largest providers of Comprehensive Sexuality Education content), and of course many links to state resources," the organization noted.

The Washington State Department of Health's Youth Advisory Council (YAC) supported the launch of the program and recently stated that it hopes to make it known across all community centers and state libraries:

The Hub features resources covering topics carefully selected by the YAC. Teens can find information about physical, sexual, and reproductive health; mental and behavioral health; and dating and relationships. It also has information about young people’s health care rights in Washington.