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The public gets tired of 'Disney-woke' and asks the company to return to its origins

A poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports states that 71% of respondents believe that the entertainment giant should "return to wholesome programming."


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Disney is becoming too woke a company. At least that is the conclusion drawn by the new survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports and where 71% of the participants stated that the entertainment giant should "return to wholesome programming."

The question was clear and referred to the progressive agenda that the company has been adopting for the last two years. "Should Disney return to wholesome programming and allow parents to decide when their children are taught about sexuality?" Rasmussen asked. The conclusions were surprising: 71% agreed with that statement, including 53% who said they "strongly agreed" with the statement. On the other hand, 22% disagreed with the statement, including 10% who "strongly disagreed" with the statement.

The excessive inclusion of LGBT+ characters was also part of the survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports. The company asked the 1,225 people it surveyed, between April 21 and 23, if they believed that including more and more LGBT characters in its audiovisual projects was an appropriate decision for the content that the company makes aimed at children under the age of 12 years. 54% considered that the new programming "is not appropriate" for children of that age group. Another 33% considered that it was the right decision and 13% of those surveyed said that they were "not sure" that it was the best decision.

'Elemental' and 'Strange World,' proof that the woke agenda does not work at Disney

The survey shows that the woke agenda is not working as Walt Disney Company expected. In fact, the company continues to add failures since it decided to adopt progressive policies and a clear example is seen in the box office results. Especially in the movies in which they include any type of allusion to this new agenda.

Thus, "Elemental," in which Pixar announced that it included its first non-binary character, became the worst premiere of a feature film of the company created by Steve Jobs and only managed to gross, during its first three days in theaters, 29.5 millions of dollars.

"Strange World" had worse luck. The film, the first to feature two young homosexuals as protagonists, premiered on the big screen grossing only $11.9 million, a figure much lower than what Walt Disney Studios expected, which predicted that the film would earn 40 million dollars during its first days.

And further proof that woke policies don't work for the mouse company which has gone, in recent years, from being one of the most beloved in the United States to a chain of succesive failures and being immersed in countless controversial legal battles, such as the one in Florida against Ron DeSantis. All this, just when the entertainment giant celebrates turning 100 years old. The bigger questions remains, will this be the impetus that Disney needs to return to its origins and thus recover its lost glory?
