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Spain: Sánchez's government officially recognizes the State of Palestine

The Spanish Council of Ministers will meet this same day to complete the process of recognizing Palestine, joined by Ireland and Norway.

Pedro Sánchez, el presidente del Gobierno de España, dice que está considerando su renuncia tras estallar un escándalo de corrupción que salpica a su esposa

El jefe de Gobierno español, Pedro Sánchez. (Cordon Press)

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"This is historic decision with the sole objective of helping Israelis and Palestinians achieve peace." These were the words of Spanish Primer Minister Pedro Sánchez Tuesday defending the recognition of the State of Palestine. The Spanish Council of Ministers met this same day to formally make said recognition official. Spain now joins the more than 140 countries that fully recognize a Palestinian state.

Tension with Israel

The decision of the socialist government caused a great stir and agitated its ongoing diplomatic conflict with Israel, who condemned the measure as a "reward" for Hamas terrorists. According to the Jewish state, the fact that the recognition occurs amidst an episode of war that Hamas caused is a form of validation by Spain for the Oct. 7 attacks perpetrated by Islamists in southern Israel.

In his brief speech, Sánchez addressed his Israeli counterparts directly to calm tensions. He assured that the measure is not directed "against anyone, least of all against Israel," with whom the prime minister assured that Spain maintains good relations.

He did not convince Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz, who this Tuesday accused the Spanish socialist of being "complicit in inciting the murder of the Jewish people" for tolerating the statements made by members of Spain's government.

Spanish Minister of Defense Margarita Robles, on the sidelines of the Armed Forces parade, assured that the Israeli government maintains a genocidal policy in the Gaza Strip. A few days before, Minister of Labor Yolanda Díaz, with whom Sánchez agreed on a coalition government, closed a statement with the slogan "from the river to the sea," which commonly claims the entire territory of Israel for the State of Palestine and therefore represents the end of the Jewish state.

Spain's decision caused the Israeli ambassador in Madrid to return to Jerusalem and a paralysis of diplomatic relations between both countries.

Borders from 1967

Spain thus joins Norway and Ireland, with whom it made the decision jointly. However, there is still division in the rest of the European Union. Analysts estimate that for an international paradigm shift, it is necessary for the three most important countries in Europe to join the wave of recognition: France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Spain, Ireland and Norway recognize a Palestinian state based on its 1967 borders that include Gaza, the West Bank. It also includes the eastern part of Jerusalem as the capital of said state, despite the fact that Israel claims the entire city as its capital, and the United States has recognized it since 2021.
