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PODCAST: No, there is no such thing as white privilege

Why is race being talked about again? Because it serves to support one of the most disastrous ideas of the moment: the concept that there is “white privilege.”

BLM, white priviledge, Black Lives Matter.


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February is Black History Month in the U.S. and in some other parts of the world, a celebration that was officially recognized in 1976 by President Gerald Ford. Each year, the month of February is used to recognized the contributions of African Americans to American history, and it is the month that the left uses to accuse white Americans by claiming that slavery is America's "original sin," which is why the country and its founders are condemned.

The celebration omits the fact that slavery was an affront that humans of all colors experienced for centuries, and that the slave trade was not the only industry that trafficked people. It omits that, in addition to said trade, black elites from Africa actively participated, in the same way as those who used slaves for work on America’s plantations. The history of slavery is long and infamous. Its victims were people from all continents and of all skin tones, and its perpetrators were also on all continents and of many races, in addition to coming from many different cultures. Currently, there are no victims or perpetrators of the slave trade, but this reality is of no use to the identity-based left that needs to perpetuate the narrative of oppression to justify its existence.

Centuries of civilization and evolution accomplished two fundamental things: that all humans were equal before the law and that we recognized ourselves as individuals, every one different from one another. These two factors make us all equal in diversity, precisely because we know that no two people are the same and that, therefore, we are not a pack. Interestingly, one way to get back to treating ourselves as a pack is to go back to the ridiculous concept of race and grouping people by color. Why is something as fake as race being talked about again? Because it serves to support one of the most disastrous ideas of the moment: the concept that there is “white privilege.” This is an accusation that represents a rebirth of racism as a moral, social, and historical criterion, an abject and infantile simplification.

Justice and fairness mean considering people as individuals and not judging them for their membership in a group. Saying that a person is good or bad because they are part of a group is racism, and it is racist to demonize a group. Anti-white racism is now the norm, and saying white privilege exists is racist. There are thousands of examples where discrimination against whites is not only allowed, but encouraged. Critical race theory and intersectionality inevitably lead to a fractured society. The solution is to completely demolish pernicious ideas like “critical race theory” and “white privilege.” Positive discrimination only reproduced plain and simple discrimination.
