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The rise and fall of the scam called Biden

The president's final days were a mixture between a funeral and a roller coaster, but not because the emperor was left naked, but because it was his entourage that was stripped of its clothing.

President Biden announced his resignation from the campaign on Sunday, July 21. Chris DELMAS.AFP

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Joe Biden finally surrendered to the inevitable, and now the presidential race is getting interesting. The effects of a last-minute nomination based on deception remain to be seen for the Democratic Party. There are a few days left to designate a new candidate, generate a strategy around them, find the money for their campaign, find them a suitable partner and, above all, apologize to the American people and to the world for the farce of the last four years. After all, the concatenation of political, journalistic and media-related pressure that fell on President Biden following the failed debate was the most blatant confession of how the establishment came together and lied about who was (and is) holding the political reins of the most powerful country in the world.

If it is true that Biden was only "available" for a few hours in the morning, then who was in charge the rest of the day, who was making decisions in the White House all this time? Who was signing the president's name, perhaps the same one who made him sign his farewell letter? The last few days, Biden's campaign became a mix between a funeral and a roller coaster, but not because the emperor was left naked, but because it was his entourage that was stripped of its clothing, exposed in its foolishness after the fateful night when Biden showed his dementia before the world. Everything that followed was even more shameful and compelling. His "friends," his donors, his ineffable wife, his own actions and the cherry on top: a COVID  diagnosis pulled out from under the sleeve of one of his puppeteers, which no one trusted. There was no need. Everyone was waiting for the fall.

The president was not even given the grace to say goodbye in person. It was just a controlled written statement, posted on the social network most hated by Democrats, most demonized by Biden. Minutes after his withdrawal from the presidential race was announced, the "official" discourse was that it was a heroic act by a titan of the common good. The press spoke of his humility, Hollywood praised his integrity, and praise flowed for his decision not to run for reelection. But that which kept him out of the race, that which cannot be named, will allow him to remain president? Isn't the obstinacy to remain, which all his colleagues criticized last week, identical to that of clinging to a job even when he has already confessed that he is not in a position to do so? Is it possible that again the Democratic staff will again deny what we are all seeing and again accuse as "disinformers" those who again say that the emperor and the entire administration are naked? Once the "nothing to see here" narrative faltered, will they be able to reimpose it?

The feeling floating heavily in the air is that the president has been removed by the Democratic brass, a sort of victim of a coup of which Biden may not even be aware, executed by those who realized they could no longer keep up the lie. It was a mutiny by the establishment narrated by the submissive progressive media and the rest of its applauders. What is evident is that the published resignation is the way they found not to admit the mess, but to maintain it by barely implementing an escape valve. Hasn't this been the constant of the Democratic Party since it put a losing, inconsistent and obscure candidate into the ring in the 2020 race in the first place? It's the same cast as then, the same reporters, the same actors. The ones who swore that Biden was the man of peace coming to unite the country are the ones who have been telling us for four years that he was fit to govern and that anyone who said otherwise was "a danger to democracy."

And speaking of democracy, if Biden's fall from grace speaks to the hypocrisy of the partisan elite, the virtual nomination of Kamala Harris as a replacement candidate speaks to their lack of attachment to democratic norms and institutionality. The majority has already anointed her, and few are calling for an express primary. But the reality is that the favorite to win the nomination did not earn a single vote. Will Democratic voters have a say in who will represent them?

The truth is that it is not only Democratic voters, but all of America that is paying the price for the scam called Biden. The decision to put a sick and mentally incapacitated man in a stressful and terribly demanding position was the first step in a process of decay in which an entire country was plunged to save the internal disasters of a party incapable of producing halfway decent political cadres. Four years ago, concerns about the Democratic candidate were clear, but the party went to great lengths to present those concerns as conspiracy theories. Polarization, which divides the U.S. in two, did the rest. Throughout his tenure, examples of his mental state were abound, with debilitating and embarrassing footage either covered up or ridiculously attempted to be disproved.

But Kamala Harris, the one left standing, has videos and appearances as ridiculous and delusional as Biden's, and there is no medical excuse for her performance. She has been known to speak nonsensically and aimlessly, all while being able to be tremendously off-putting along the way. A Harris candidacy is the chilling sign of what the Democratic Party has become. It is a kind of double-bottom-line politics, run by the puppet-elite who put up manageable, ridiculous characters as cover, in keeping with the intersectionality that so worries its most radicalized sector. She was chosen to be vice president because, as was said in 2019, they could use a woman or someone "of color," and Harris, in a very forced way, served those purposes. Few Democratic voices are speaking out against the arbitrary selection of Harris, preferring to praise her, just in case, by talking about her sex or skin color. It's identity politics and elite pandering that has elevated this woman of circular reasoning and a disturbing laugh to the highest political levels.

Kamala is as responsible as Biden for his border policy, for the alternative energy scam that made housing, transportation and food more expensive. And she is Biden's accomplice in his treasonous actions against Israel and pandering to Iran. She hid Biden's mental decay for four years. Her malpractice is not only against her party; it is against all Americans and their values. Sure, she is better than Biden, at least when she speaks, she addresses real people and can walk in stride. But she has lied to the people she aspires to govern. As vice president, she watched Biden remain in an office he was not qualified for. If she knew she was cheating, if she didn't realize it, she was as incapable as the president.

The timing and manner of Biden's fall is an indictment of the crisis in the U.S. and the way the bureaucracy, the swamp, the deep state, the establishment or whatever we want to call it, is holding the reins of power. The fall also speaks of the way in which the establishment acts when it panics, when plans fail or when it cannot twist reality, no matter how much it colludes with the media or the Hollywood apparatus. And it also shows that these people are willing to do anything to stay in power. They will do anything, i.e. lie, torture and take advantage of a senile man, betray him and discard him without even allowing him to say goodbye, handpick a replacement and avoid giving explanations for his past mistakes and evade all democratic accountability... all in the name of democracy. God have mercy on the U.S. if these are the people who will "save" democracy. The story of an empire in peril is being written in real time. 
