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Trump, the toughest man in the US

The former president not only stopped the Secret Service to show his followers that he was okay, but he achieved something that only he is capable of: in the midst of panic, he managed to transform fear into courage and strength. One shout from the Republican and rally attendees rose from the ground to raise their hands with him and chant "USA."

Former President Donald Trump in Washington, D.C.(Carol Guzy/ Cordon Press)

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Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt. The former president turned his face at the exact moment so that the bullet from an AR-15, instead of killing him, passed less than an inch from his head and only left a small wound as it grazed his ear.

The mere fact of being saved from death in such a particular way, before the eyes of millions of Americans watching the rally, is enough for that day to be engraved in the history of this country. But the incident became even more epic when the Republican, in the midst of the chaos and confusion, decided to stop the Secret Service agents trying to remove him from the stage to raise his fist and shout to the rally audience: "Fight, fight." 

That moment, which was captured in some of the most shocking photos in U.S. history, shows the nature of the former president. Trump is a man with a courage that is hard to match.

It is difficult to imagine anyone in the midst of an imminent threat to his life thinking of anything other than trying to escape danger. The former president showed in Pennsylvania that he is a fighter like few others. In the midst of the turmoil, he took the time to show his supporters that he was okay and to cheer them on. The reaction from the rally attendees was also surprising. Immediately after Trump raised his fist, the people, who were lying on the ground trying to protect their lives, stood up and started chanting "USA."

That exchange between Trump and his supporters at such a critical moment shows as clearly as possible the feeling Trump evokes in crowds. It is what makes a leader of such gigantic proportions. He is the man who even, in the most adverse situation and at the risk of his own life, manages not only to reassure his followers, but to encourage them. One of the rally attendees said in an interview that the moment when Trump shouted and showed the audience that he is safe was "thrilling." 

Trump not only fights for what he believes is right, but he manages to instill in his supporters safety and encouragement. This Saturday in Pennsylvania was the most brutal display of Trump's courage, bravery he has been showing for years. This is a man who does not give up and keeps going even when everything looks impossible. Even more impressive is his ability to face difficulties with such strength that he even makes them seem insignificant. Surely if the Secret Service had let him, Trump would have continued with his speech still bleeding from the side of his face. 

The former president has been facing situations for years that would have made even the most experienced politicians retire from public life. Trump, on the other hand, always comes out with his chin held high and even manages to use the fiercest attacks from the establishment to his advantage. He has survived several impeachment processes, countless charges against him and political persecution that is unprecedented in the history of this country. His adversaries have also tried to bankrupt him. In spite of that, we have never seen him defeated or wavering in his goal.

Many Democrats constantly wonder why millions of Americans continue to support a man surrounded by so many problems. The reality is that for many, it is not in spite of the problems, but precisely because of all those attacks and the way he has dealt with them, that they not only continue to support him but also see him as the only one capable of standing up with the necessary courage to those who have seized power to advance freedom-destroying agendas that go against the founding principles of this country.

Trump is a man of exceptional courage, but even more exceptional is his ability to convey that strength to his supporters and to provide hope. Trump has lost millions of dollars, he could go to jail, his family has been insulted and reviled, and on a dark day in the history of this country, he was almost assassinated. However, at none of these times have we seen him with his head down. Quite the contrary, it seems that after each new attack he gains even more strength.
