Four thoughts on Biden's withdrawal from the presidential campaign and what's ahead
We are witnessing one of the most blatant cover-ups in the political history of this country. In the coming weeks, we may see a battle between the power groups in the Democratic Party and get a clue as to who is really in charge.
President Biden announced Sunday that he will not remain in the presidential race. That means decisive weeks ahead for the Democratic Party, which not only faces the uncertainty of not knowing who its candidate will be just months before the election but also the criticism and discontent of millions of Americans who, for months or even years, have seen how the Democrats covered up the true state of the president's health. This historic situation in politics leaves us with several important reflections.
One of the greatest deceptions in the political history of this country
Doubts about President Biden's mental capacity are not new. The latest campaign polls showed Americans' doubts about it. For years, President Biden's team, congressmen and senators, and the Democratic Party in general lied about what was going on.
Every time they were asked about it, they denied that the president had problems, even going so far as to make nonsensical claims such as that he is an "energetic and vigorous" man. However, they also kept the president away from the cameras and public events, trying to avoid as much exposure as possible in the hope that Americans would not confirm their doubts about the president's health situation.
Also responsible are the media and journalists who had the opportunity to be close to the president and kept quiet about what they saw. For three and a half years, we saw completely docile journalists who, instead of complaining that the president was not taking questions when they had the opportunity to talk to him, decided to ask him about his favorite flavor of ice cream.
They have decided to sacrifice Biden because the polls were already looking very bad
For a few months big media started to publish strong reports against President Biden. First, pointing out how badly he was doing in the polls in key states and among key groups for the Democratic Party, such as African Americans, Hispanics and young people. Since a few weeks ago, mainly after the debate, mainstream media began to publish reports on the president's deteriorating health.
Gradually, different congressmen began to speak openly about their concerns until more than 20 lawmakers publicly called on the president to step aside in the presidential race. But what made a party that denied all doubts about Biden's incapacity not only turn its back on the president, but started pushing for his withdrawal?
The polls are the cause of this "awakening," not only within the party but also from different journalists, who are now pretending to be surprised about Biden's state of health. If the president were not losing in all the purple states and among key groups of voters, surely the media would still be asking him what his favorite flavor of ice cream is, and congressmen and senators would still be silent about the president's health situation, which they know firsthand.
The crises the country is experiencing are not on account of Biden's poor health
The entire country, but especially independent voters, need to be clear that all the crises this country is experiencing, including the economic and crime problem, are not going to be solved by replacing Biden with Kamala or by any other Democrat. Americans are living through difficult times because of the policies that follow the left-wing path.
Kamala Harris is not only responsible for the problems, in that she is Biden's vice president, but her record in politics shows that she is a woman of the extreme left and, therefore, an eventual government with her at its head could be even more damaging to the working class that today is affected by inflation and crime.
The party may try to disassociate Kamala Harris, or whoever ends up as the nominee, from this administration's crises. That's why it's always necessary to remember that beyond the president's health problem, it's the left-wing policies that are the real cause of the troubles that many families are going through.
The next few weeks will be difficult for Democrats and may give us a clue as to who is really in charge
One thing has become clear: we don't know who is really in charge of the country. With Biden's withdrawal, the White House has implicitly acknowledged that doubts about the president are a reality. And if this administration had any decency, the president would not only step aside, he would resign his post. If Biden is not fit to run a campaign, then he does not have the capacity to serve six more months as president.
Possibly what comes next will be an internal struggle between the different power groups in the party. Another possibility is that those behind President Biden will close ranks around Kamala and not even allow another election process as former President Obama is suggesting. But, hopefully, what happens in the next few weeks will give us an idea of how the power groups are organized and who has really been in charge of the country.