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Jordan withdraws its ambassador from Israel

The Jordanian Foreign Minister assured that the country will not send diplomats to Tel-Aviv until "Israel stops its war in Gaza."

El Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Jordania, Ayman Safadi, durante una visita a España en noviembre de 2022.

El Ministro de

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Jordan, Ayman Safadi, announced this Wednesday that his country is withdrawing its ambassador from Israel. In a statement issued by Safadi and reported by the official news agency Petra, the politician assured that they will not send more diplomats to Tel-Aviv as "an expression of the Jordanian position of rejection and condemnation of the Israeli occupation war in Gaza, which is killing innocents and causing an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe."

The Times of Israel reported that, along with the withdrawal of the Jordanian ambassador from Israeli territory, Safadi also announced that the Israeli diplomat who had left Amman at the beginning of the war for security precautions would not be authorized to return until the war is over. In fact, Safadi said in statements reported by EFE that ambassadors will not be able to return until "Israel stops its war against Gaza":

The return of the ambassadors will be linked to Israel stopping its war against Gaza and ending the humanitarian catastrophe it is causing, as well as the measures that deprive Palestinians of their right to food, water, medicine and their right to have a stable and secure life in their homeland.

The decision to "immediately summon to Jordan" the country's ambassador comes a few hours after the government of Bolivia positioned itself against Israel and withdrew its support. Something similar happened in Chile and Colombia. Both countries consulted with their ambassadors before deciding whether to support Israel or position themselves, like Bolivia, against it.
