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Chile and Colombia call their ambassadors in Israel for consultation

The decision by both countries comes shortly after Bolivia announced it was severing its diplomatic relations with Israel.

Gabriel Boric and Gustavo Petro

Gabriel Boric and Gustavo Petro / Flicrk- Vocería de Gobierno / Cordon Press.

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The president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, and his Colombian counterpart, Gustavo Petro, announced almost in parallel their decision to call their ambassadors in Israel for consultation because they believe that the Jewish State violated international humanitarian law.

Gabriel Boric was the first to share a post this Tuesday announcing his decision to call the Chilean ambassador to Israel, Jorge Carvajal, for consultation following the increase in military operations by the Israeli Defense Forces in Gaza.

"Given the unacceptable violations of International Humanitarian Law that Israel has incurred in the Gaza Strip (…) we have decided to call the Chilean ambassador to Israel, Jorge Carvajal, to Santiago for consultations. Chile strongly condemns and observes with great concern that these military operations (...) do not respect fundamental norms of International Law, as demonstrated by the more than eight thousand civilian victims, mostly women and children," he reported.

A few minutes later, the Colombian president published that his government also summoned diplomat Margarita Eliana Manjarrez Herrera.

"I have decided to call our ambassador to Israel for consultation. If Israel does not stop the massacre of the Palestinian people, we cannot be there," he said.

Bolivia cuts diplomatic relations with Israel

This same Tuesday, the socialist government of Bolivia announced its decision to break diplomatic relations with Israel in response to the "aggressive and disproportionate Israeli military offensive" in Gaza.

The Latin American left positions itself on the side of terrorism

Although some Latin American governments have openly condemned the attacks carried out by Hamas in Israel, there have been several left-wing countries that have criticized the Jewish State for defending itself.

President Gustavo Petro has probably been the most controversial, as he has made several publications strongly criticizing Israel, even comparing it to Hitler's genocidal regime.

Evo Morales has not been left behind because, through X, he has also made several posts calling on the government of his country to declare the State of Israel a "terrorist State."

Although Gabriel Boric has condemned the Hamas attacks and kidnappings, he has made it clear that he disagrees with Israel defending itself.

"Humanity does not stand on ties that dehumanize," the Chilean president recently commented on a post that mentions data from the director of Unicef. This UN agency has focused on sharing the deaths in Gaza, ignoring all the deaths and damage suffered by Israel.

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), also sided with terrorism by not condemning the attacks carried out by Hamas.

"We do not want to take sides, we want to be a factor in the search for a peaceful solution," he expressed after the massacre carried out by the Palestinian group.

The Venezuelan dictator, Nicolás Maduro, also called for an end to the "genocide" that, according to him, Israel is committing against the Palestinian people.

Brazilian President Lula Da Silva has also criticized Israel for defending itself. For him, the murders and kidnappings committed by Hamas are not sufficient grounds for the Jewish State to respond.

The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, justified the Hamas attack by pointing out that the conflict is "a consequence of 75 years of permanent violation of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and of Israel's aggressive and expansionist policy."

Daniel Ortega's regime not only avoided condemning Hamas, but right after the terrorist attack, his government declared itself "always in solidarity with the Palestinian cause."
