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Argentine attorneys request international arrest of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo for crimes against humanity

The complaint is based on evidence of murder, torture, and political persecution in Nicaragua.

Daniel Ortega and Rosario MurilloJairo Cajina / Nicaraguan Presidency / AFP

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A group of lawyers presented a request before the Argentine Justice for immediate measures to be taken against high-ranking officials of the Sandinista regime of Nicaragua in the framework of an investigation for crimes against humanity. The complaint includes a formal request for a subpoena and international arrest warrants to be issued against Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega and Vice President and First Lady, Rosario Murillo, along with other officials involved in serious human rights violations.

Serious accusations based on compelling evidence.

Darío Richarte, one of the denouncing lawyers, explained that the request is based on the seriousness of the accusations, which include murders, torture, forced disappearances, arbitrary detentions, and persecution for political and religious reasons. "At this stage of the investigation and having been analyzed for months the large amount of evidence accumulated in the file from this lawsuit, we agree with the Prosecutor's Office, and we believe that there is enough evidence to justify the request for the indagatory declaration of the accused", declared Richarte.

The lawyer also stressed the need to issue international arrest warrants to guarantee the appearance of the accused and prevent any attempt to interfere in the investigation, something that, according to him, they have already tried to do.

Argentina's commitment

Richarte emphasized that Argentina has an obligation to act by its international commitments and domestic human rights laws. Argentina is a signatory to the Rome Statute, which establishes the responsibility of States to investigate and prosecute crimes against humanity, regardless of the position held by those responsible.

In addition, the complaint refers to the principles of international law established after the Nuremberg trials, which impose criminal responsibilities on heads of State for serious crimes. In this context, the lawyers insist that Argentina must fulfill its commitment to international justice and ensure that those responsible for these crimes are brought before the law.

Context of repression in Nicaragua

The situation in Nicaragua has been the subject of analysis by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which has noted the worsening conditions of repression and human rights violations in the Central American country. Nicaragua has been going through a political and social crisis for years, which has intensified after the November 2021 elections, in which Daniel Ortega was reelected for a fifth term, fourth consecutive, with his main opponents imprisoned.
