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Venezuela: at least 11 murders have been reported since July 28th

The state with the highest number of deaths during protests is Aragua, where just one day after the presidential elections there were five homicides.


Protest in front of the Bolivarian National Police in the Catia neighborhood of Caracas.(Yuri Cortés / AFP)(Yuri Cortés / AFP)

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The repression in Venezuela has not stopped. The dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro is clinging to power and the attacks on the Venezuelan opposition demanding respect for the results of the last elections, which according to evidence provided by the opposition leadership indicate the opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia as the winner, have left at least 11 people killed. 

The information was published by the Victim Monitoring Service, published in RunRun.es. The report detailed that the state with the highest number of deaths is Aragua, where on July 29 there were five homicides. The majority of the murders were registered with firearms. 

"Capital District (center and west of Caracas) is the state with the next highest number of murders. The night of protests on July 29 left two dead in El Valle parish, barber Olinger Montaño Antoni, 23, who was killed on Intercomunal Avenue, and student and motorcycle taxi driver Antonhy Cañizález, 19, who was shot in the San Andrés neighborhood," the report highlighted. 

Similarly, the Victim Monitoring Service explained that the average age of the victims is 27 years old. "In most of the cases it is not clear who is responsible for the homicides, but it is striking that in at least four of the crimes, witnesses assured that there was participation from collectives of armed civilians who defend the Bolivarian revolution," highlighted the Monitoring Sercvice. 

Persecution and intimidation 

In addition to repression, the dictatorship has also increased persecution. Antonio Ledezma, international coordinator of the 'Comando Con Venezuela' - the group of Edmundo González Urrutia and María Corina Machado -, denounced that the regime is detaining opposition witnesses who have the records that indicate González Urrutia as the winner.  

"Maduro's regime continues kidnapping opposition electoral witnesses; they take them out of their homes even in their underwear and take them away. The criminal regime of Nicolás Maduro kidnaps witnesses to force them to sign false records they are printing in the CNE," highlighted Antonio Ledezma in his account in the social network X. 


In addition, this Tuesday the Venezuelan Human Rights Education-Action Program reported that security forces detained Freddy Superlano, leader of the Voluntad Popular party founded by Leopoldo López.

"These detainments can lead to forced disappearances and cruel and inhumane treatment to force the victims to make statements, as has been denounced in the past by the UN Mission on Venezuela," Provea wrote on its account on the social network X.

The organization published a video on social networks showing how several hooded men put Superlano in a van. According to the information, three other opposition leaders were also kidnapped.

Meanwhile, Voluntad Popular maintained that the situation is a demonstration of the escalation of repression by the Venezuelan communist regime against those calling for the publication of the results that indicate the opposition leader Edmundo González Urrutia as the winner of the presidential elections.
