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Nine Latin American countries call for urgent meeting to address the situation in Venezuela

The goal is to discuss the crisis that arose in Venezuela after Nicolás Maduro proclaimed himself president in an electoral process that the opposition claims to have won.

Los presidentes de Argentina y Panamá

The presidents of Argentina and PanamaCordon Press/ Wikimedia Commons

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At least nine Latin American countries requested an emergency meeting at the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) to address the crisis in Venezuela. The meeting was called in order to address the crisis that arose in Venezuela after Nicolás Maduro proclaimed himself president in an electoral process that the opposition claims to have won.

In this regard, the governments of Paraguay, Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay demanded that all electoral results be published in the presence of independent international observers.

"The governments of express their deep concern over the development of the presidential election in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and demand the complete review of the results with the presence of independent electoral observers to ensure respect for the will of the Venezuelan people who participated massively and peacefully," wrote the coalition of countries in a statement released by the Foreign Ministry of Paraguay. 


Meanwhile, the Carter Center, which served as an international observer, also asked the Chavista regime to publish all the records of the electoral process. 

"The Carter Center technical mission came to observe the July 28 presidential election at the invitation of the CNE. The mission’s assessment is based on the Venezuelan legal framework as well as regional and international standards for democratic elections," the Carter Center wrote. 
