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Israel bombs Houthi terrorist targets in Yemen

The Israeli Defense Forces confirmed that several aircrafts carried out the attack, more than 1,800 kilometers from its borders after 9 months of attacks by Iran's allies, with a clear message, "Enough is enough."

Una columna de fuego emerge desde el puerto controlado por los rebeldes hutíes en Yemen tras el ataque de aviones de Israel.

Image of the Port of Hodeida after the Israeli attack.AFP PHOTO /ANSARULLAH MEDIA CENTER

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The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that it bombed military Houthi terrorist targets in the area of the Al Hudaydah port in Yemen. The drone attack by Houthi rebels last Friday, that left at least one dead and several wounded in Tel Avivwas the last straw for the Hebrew state's patience after nine months of airstrikes emanating from areas controlled by Iran's proxies. In addition, they reported that anti-aircraft defenses intercepted a new missile launched from Yemen.

IDF spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, noted at a press conference that "Israel's necessary and proportionate strikes were carried out in order to stop and repell the Houthi's terrorist attacks after 9 months of continuous aerial attacks toward Israeli territory."

After nine months and 220 strikes, Israel says "enough is enough" to the Houthis

Another of the international spokespersons for the Israeli forces, Lt. Col. Nadav Shoshani, also gave a clear explanation of the situation as to why the Israeli Air Force had finally conducted a raid more than 1,800 kilometers from its borders.

The target was "a port of entry of Iranian weapons" to the Houthis

The official Israeli Army account further explained that the raid targeted that particular area because this "port serves as a port of entry for Iranian weapons for the Houthi terrorist regime." He further noted that the operation is a clear example that "the IDF is capable of operating wherever necessary and will attack any force that endangers the Israelis."

A few hours after the attack on their territory, the Houthis again attempted to reach Israeli soil with the launch of a new missile that was intercepted before it reached Israel: "The IDF Air Defense System successfully intercepted a surface-to-surface missile approaching Israeli territory from Yemen using the Air Defense System Arrow 3. The projectile did not cross into Israeli territory. The incident is over."
