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'No one is scandalized if I give my blessing to an exploitative businessman': Pope Francis calls those who criticize the blessings of homosexuals 'hypocrites'

The highest authority of the Catholic Church affirmed that all people deserve blessings despite their sins.

“Nadie se escandaliza si doy mi bendición a un empresario explotador”: el papa Francisco llama “hipócritas” a los que critican las bendiciones de homosexuales

(Cordon Press)

This Wednesday, the Italian weekly Credere published a preview of its interview with Pope Francis, where the highest authority of the Catholic Church referred to the controversy over the blessings of homosexuals.

In a critical tone, Francis called those who criticize these blessings "hypocrites," pointing out that they do not question the blessings of other types of sinful people, such as exploitative businessmen.

"No one is shocked if I give my blessing to a businessman who perhaps exploits people: and this is a very serious sin. While they are scandalized if I give it to a homosexual… This is hypocrisy! The heart of the document is hospitality," the Pope stated in the extensive conversation where he spoke, among other situations, of his years of pontificate, young people's participation and the growing prominence of women within the Church.

Blessings for homosexuals were authorized last December by a Vatican document called Fiducia Supplicans (Supplying Confidence), which has been met with some resistance within the Church itself, especially from bishops in Africa.

On repeated occasions, Francis clarified that the blessings of homosexual people do not mean the blessing of homosexual couples. This misinformation spread through social media and various media outlets around the world. He also stressed that all people deserve to receive blessings despite their sins.

"But I do not bless a 'homosexual marriage,' I bless two people who love each other and I also ask them to pray for me. Always in confessions, when these situations arise, homosexual people, remarried people, I always pray and bless. The blessing should not be denied to anyone. Everyone, everyone, everyone. Be careful, I'm talking about people: those who are capable of receiving Baptism," declared the Supreme Pontiff.

In his interview with Credere, Pope Francis also spoke about the role of women within the Church, highlighting that women will gain even more space in the Curia because, for certain tasks, they are more productive than men.

"Opening work in the Curia to women is important. In the Roman Curia, there are now several women, and there will be more because they do better than us men in certain roles," Francis said. "The governor, for example, Sister Raffaella Petrini, is doing wonderful things. Even the women who are in the dicastery to elect bishops... these are all places that need women. There is a continuous process in this," the Pope said.
