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Pope Francis calls for banning surrogacy: "It is a despicable practice"

The pope said surrogacy exploits the financial circumstances of surrogate mothers and places the child at the center of a commercial contract.

Papa Francisco

(Cordon Press)

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This Monday, Pope Francis called for a universal ban on surrogacy, calling it "despicable" and stressing that a child should not become an object of trade.

During an extensive speech addressed to ambassadors from 184 countries accredited to the Holy See, the pope expressed his deep concern about surrogacy, arguing that it represents a serious violation of the dignity of both minors and women.

As the Supreme Pontiff explained, surrogacy exploits the financial circumstances of surrogate mothers and places the child at the center of a commercial contract, something he considers unacceptable.

"I consider despicable the practice of so-called surrogate motherhood, which represents a grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child, based on the exploitation of situations of the mother's material needs. A child is always a gift and never the basis of a commercial contract," said Francis, highlighting the importance of preserving human dignity at all stages of life.

This is not the first time that the Pope has spoken out against surrogacy. In 2022, he called the practice "inhuman," noting that the women involved, primarily low-income, are exploited and that children are treated as merchandise.

It is relevant to mention that the legality of surrogacy varies significantly in different countries. While surrogacy is allowed under certain conditions in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Portugal and other European countries, in Italy, it is illegal. Last year, a law was passed in the Chamber of Deputies to consider it a "universal crime."

According to The New York Times, European citizens looking to start a family often turn to surrogate mothers in Canada and the United States. However, it is important to note that some states in the United States have already implemented prohibitions on the practice of surrogacy.
