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Santiago Oría, Milei documentary filmmaker: 'The president revolutionized the communication of ideas of freedom'

The new Argentine president's documentarian spoke with Voz Media about the challenges that the libertarian government will face and their strategy to win the cultural battle.

Santiago Oría, documentalista de Milei: “El presidente revolucionó la comunicación de las ideas de libertad”

Santiago Oría, documentalista de Milei: “El presidente revolucionó la comunicación de las ideas de libertad”

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A stage of reconstruction based on the ideas of freedom. This is how Santiago Oría, lawyer by trade and documentarian for Javier Milei, describes the beginning of the new president's government in Argentina. Although his work in the libertarian's campaign focused on communication, Oría is no stranger to politics. In his house, politics was always up for discussion. His grandfather, Jorge Salvador Oría, was Álvaro Alsogaray's running mate for the UCD in the 1983 elections.

That is why he insisted that Argentina return to the ideas of freedom, those his grandfather fought for. He is clear: Milei's government will be a revolution. “A revolution in the sense of returning to the bases of Argentina. That they are the ideas of freedom, those dreamed of by those of the Generation of '37 and that were reflected in the Constitution, which was inspired mostly by the ideas of Juan Bautista Alberdi," said Oría in a conversation with Voz Media.

'Milei's speech was spectacular'

The libertarian Javier Milei assumed the presidency of Argentina on December 10. He did so in an event that was marked by the departure of Kirchnerism from power and the arrival of a person with no ties to traditional Argentine politics. Oría describes that day as historic and understands that he was part of a process that was not easy, but that allowed the libertarians to win the elections.

“The truth is that what happened on Sunday was surreal at times because it is incredible that Javier Milei, who until three years ago was just a well-known economist, is suddenly the president of the nation in such a short time. Furthermore, all the support from the people and all the deployment of state forces in this ritual of democracy, which means the inauguration as president, was incredible and was truly exciting. I was also moved by how people joined in and how people really wished the president well and sent him a lot of strength. It was all really very moving," Oría highlighted.

Furthermore, the documentarian highlights that what he experienced during the presidential campaign was something unprecedented. He maintained that Javier Milei's first speech as president was done without demagoguery, speaking the truth to the citizens:

Javier Milei's speech was spectacular. Nothing like it had ever been heard. Without demagoguery, telling the truth as always. It was impressive. In addition, it included important dignitaries from all over the world. The eyes of the world are on Argentina, and it is an impressive thing.

'The main challenge is going to be the economy'

The most anticipated moment of the speech was his diagnosis of the country’s current situation. Not having clearly expressed what the Peronists left behind was one of the early critiques of the other anti-Kirchnerist who recently occupied the presidency, Mauricio Macri (2015-2019). His critics argue that Argentines were less willing to support his extreme measures because they did not understand how necessary they were.

Mieli did not take that risk: "No government has received a worse inheritance than what we are receiving," said the president before detailing the country's economic situation.

Since this weekend, the unexpected winner of this year's elections took the reins of a country with triple-digit inflation, more than 40% of the population below the poverty line and corruption at various state levels. As part of the "inheritance" left by his predecessor, there was a deficit of 17%, the vast majority of which (15%) corresponds to the deficit of the Treasury and the Central Bank. He then promised a to cut spending in the public sector by 5% of the GDP, which would fall almost entirely on the state and not on the private sector. This is one of the great challenges that Oría considers that the new Argentine president's government will have.

“The main challenge is going to be the economy and the communication of this government. That's where the fundamental work will be. I also believe that the main difficulty is going to be confronting certain sectors of entrenched powers that do not want to give up their privileges, and there will have to be a good government so that they are not the ones who block the reforms that the country needs and that will benefit to the population,” said Oría.

Milei transformed the discourse surrounding ideas of freedom

However, for the lawyer, one of the greatest virtues that Javier Milei has is knowing how to communicate his message. In fact, he assured that the Argentine president transformed the message of the ideas of freedom so that it reached the citizens. He also insists that Milei's campaign was focused on winning the cultural battle.

“He gave an impressive epic to what were the ideas of freedom. Classical liberalism used to be very dull, half bitter, half pessimistic, and Javier transformed that speech into an optimistic, hopeful, epic and also triumphalist one. The revolution he achieved in the communication of his ideas is impressive,” he explained.

This campaign was based on simultaneously carrying out a cultural battle, a battle of ideas. It was not a campaign based on marketing or empty slogans, nor on affective phrases. It was really seeking a change in society from ideas, from the awareness of what is the condemnation of socialism and statism. All this thanks to the great communicator who is Javier Milei, who managed to bring liberal ideas down to earth so that they could reach all people and all citizens.

Hope spreading throughout the region

Likewise, the documentary filmmaker, who knows Milei beyond his role as a politician, assured that he trusts that Milei's strong and determined character is what guarantees a successful government. "He has a strong character that drives him with passion to promote his ideas and achieve political objectives in each situation. He has also developed an impressive temperance, and when he is the victim of attacks and aggression he remains firm in all difficult situations and emerges victorious. I believe that this strong, lion-like personality trait that he has, allowed him to earn this electoral victory, and I believe that it will make him successful in management," he said.

Finally, he is optimistic about the future of the region. He hopes that the results in Argentina will be reflected in electoral victories for other libertarians in the region. In fact, he went further and maintained that the new president of Argentina is becoming a global inspiration. He compares him to former Republican President Donald Trump.

"I think that what has been done can serve as an inspiration for other pro-freedom movements around the world. Just as Donald Trump was in some way an inspiration for many defenders of the ideas of freedom in South America, Javier Milei's movement will be inspiration for others. He will be available to help those who want to fight for freedom. Milei's message and its effect will radiate to Argentina and will infect other countries," said Oría.
