At least 12 injured during military intervention in Paraguay's largest prison
The Ministry of Justice explained that the objective is the eradication of the privileges and powers of criminal gangs.

Al menos 12 heridos durante una intervención militar en la cárcel más grande de Paraguay | Captura de pantalla Ministerio de Interior
The Paraguayan Police reported on the intervention by the authorities in the country's prison. The police detailed that the procedure was carried out in collaboration with the Paraguayan Armed Forces. As explained by local media such as La Nación, the situation has left at least 12 injured (seven police officers and six inmates).
"National Police in operation with the Armed Forces, take control of the Tacumbú Prison. People deprived of their liberty will be transferred to spaces that guarantee their safety," the police wrote on their X (formerly Twitter) account.
"The objective is the eradication of privileges"
The authorities showed images of the prisoners who are being transferred to another prison. Likewise, the Ministry of Justice released a news item detailing that at least 1,100 military personnel and 1,218 police officers lead the "Operation Beneratio," which aims to regain institutional control within the Tacumbú National Penitentiary.
"The objective is the eradication of the privileges and powers of criminal gangs in the operation of this prison, a better distribution of inmates and the institutional and effective presence of the State in a territory partially kidnapped by crime for years." The Ministry of Justice indicated in a statement.
In this sense, the ministry detailed that there will be a security cordon that cannot be jumped until the end of the operations to protect the physical safety of citizens, relatives of inmates, neighbors or passersby and that "the task will remain in progress until the causes that motivate it are cancelled."